The reason why Columbian Tape-Marked Rope represents Full-Value is because it is always up-to-date. Many features which are advertised as special and new by rope manu- facturers, and for which you often-times pay a premium are furnished as the regular quality in COLUMBIAN TAPE-MARKED PURE MANILA ROPE Before purchasing other brands for some special feature such as water- proofing-flexibility, etc., test a sample of the regular Columbian Tape-Marked brand and you will find that it has all of these special features. Columbian Rope Company 332-90 Genesee Street Auburn, ‘‘The Cordage City’’ N. Y. Branches: New York Chicago Boston New Orleans - GUARANTEED ROPE _ - o\" BRB a cecorymbian ROPE CO, avev Rites Ses —— 2s >= ASK POR “COLUMBIAN” TRADE RADE MARKED ROP! MARINE REVIEW—April, 1927 WHITER ENR