Dry Docking Ship Repairing Fuel Oil Installations Diesel Installations Turbine Balancing New York ‘‘Good Ships Deserve Good Workmanship.”’’ ESTABLISHED, 1854 SHERIFFS MANUFACTURING CO. PROPELLER WHEELS g and =S- PROPELLER BLADES to fit any hub. MILWAUKEE, WIS. Francisco, Calif.; Bending Co. of Texas, iladelphia, Pa. A.M. Castle & Co., Chicago, Ill.; f A. M. Castle & Co., toe fn ita gg = soe .. New Orl , La.; Johnson-Peter Co., Brooklyn, N. Y.; Le isk. Licieton, ie Bourne-Fuller Co., Cleveland, Ohio. = grab Representatives: W.M MacCleary-2 Rector St., New York City; W.H.S. Bateman and Co., FP Carpenter and : Joiner Work Construction Special Machinery Tank | Installations | Locks and Latches Doors and Hatches By using Tiebout standard hardware and equip- ment, ship and boat builders are assisted in pro- ducing standard craft.of highest quality at attrae- tive prices. Tiebout service includes prompt deliveries from complete prices. W. & J. TIEBOUT Marine Hardware 118 Chambers St. New York City , CHARCOAL IRON Y Y | 2 Yj Y y wea For extreme service specify TYLER GENUINE CHARCOAL IRON— knobbled by hand in the old fashioned way—tested to 1000 Ibs. hydrostatic pressure, and meeting all requirements of U.S. Steamboat Rules and Reg- ulations, American Bureau of Shipping and A. S. M. E. Code Committee. TYLER TUBE & PIPE CO., Washington, Pa. WAREHOUSE STOCKS A. M. Castle & Co., Seattle, Wash.; A.M. Castle & Co., San Johnson-Peter Co., Pittsburgh, Pa.; Harrisburg Pipe & Pipe New England Representative: Geo. W. Denyven—Boston, Mass. MARINE REVIEw—April, 1927 109 SE ete ee