Ready Now for Your Inspection the new KOLS Kadio ompass An Entirely New Model With Enclosed Loop Visual Signal Light and Improved Compensator This new model is pictured for the first time—in this announcement. After months and months of patient effort, Dr. Kolster and his assistants advanced the original compass to an almost unbelievably high state of efficiency. Today you see the result—an entirely new model—giving you an even surer, more accurate, more compact and more useful instrument for your ships. @ Notable betterments include the new Enclosed Loop, pictured at the top. This loop may be turned by one finger, in any weather. It eliminates all trouble from wind, ice or snow and is fully protected against mechanical interference. C The New Visual Light Signal is a startling improvement. Land beacon signals flash in the new light also, ‘and now bearings may be taken by both eye and ear. The Kolster Compensator, always such a guide to accuracy, has been further improved. @ The Receiving Set (notice the picture) is a new single-dial control, 8-tube receiver with handy sloping panel and illuminated dial. More sensitive and more selective, too. The Direction Definer has been further simplified and offers more Kolster accuracy. « An Induction Suppression Circuit reduces interference and aids the taking of sharper, truer bearings. € Batteries are now placed in the base of the instrument, out of sight. « Altogether, this new model is finer in appearance and far more efficient in action. It requires less space and offers more service. Write for detail description. No obligation — just fill in the coupon below. FEDERAL TELEGRAPH COMPANY 25 Beaver St., New York City Rockefeller Bldg., Cleveland Hobart Bldg., San Francisco fetes in nn i se =“ This Coupon | FEDERAL TELEGRAPH COMPANY | Fill In the Will Bring Hobart Building, San Francisco. Kindly send me a copy of your pamphlet, describing the Full Details : | many improvements in your Kolster Compass. 1 understand there | Mail Today is no obligation whatsoever, ntssemeamnesenennatstasnantsaesasinneg: neseetncenanasndnansssssne thstenenenenrrseig, Coupon and : } 118 MARINE REVIEW—April, 1927