IROQUOIS—Passenger—Coastwise—T win Screw Steam Name—IROQUOIS and SHAWNEE Owner—New York & Miami S. S. Corp. Builder—Newport News S. B. & D. D. Co. Naval Architect—Theodore E. Ferris Launched—IrRoquol!s, Dec. 11, 1926 Classification—American Bureau of Shipping HULL PARTICULARS Length overall, 409 feet 4 inches; length be- tween perpendiculars, 394 feet 6 inches; breadth molded, 62 feet; depth molded, 30 feet 6 inches; draft, 18 feet 6 inches; displacement loaded, 7560 tons; gross tonnage, 6500; net tonnage, 3800; passenger capacity, 589 first class and 114 steerage; cargo capacity, in cubic feet, 190,000; bunker fuel oil capacity in tons, 926; speed, 18 knots. MACHINERY PARTICULARS Main Engines—Two single reduction geared turbines; one H.P. and one L.P. in each unit; total shaft horsepower of the two sets, 8500; builder, Newport News Shipbuilding and Dry Dock Co. Boilers—Six, Babcock & Wilcox, marine water- tube boilers; with a total heating surface of 29,784 square feet; fuel, oil. AUXILIARY EQUIPMENT Manufacturers of: Pumps—Worthington Pump & Mach. Corp. Windlass—American Engineering Co. DESCRIPTION | The steamer IROQUOIS and her sister ship SHAWNEE are designed to give express pas- senger service de luxe between New York and Miami. Accom- modations are provid- ed for five to six hun- dred first class passen- gers and about one hundred steerage. An unusually large pro- portion of the first class quarters are par- lors, suites or special staterooms. Winches—Lidgerwood Mfg. Co. Steering Engine—American Engineering Co. Propellers—Crown Smelting Co. Refrigeration—Brunswick-Kroeschell Co. Oil Burning Equip.—Babcock & Wilcox Co. Superheaters—Babcock & Wilcox Co. Electric Generators—General Electric Co. Life Saving Equip.—Welin Davit & Boat Corp. The twin screw coastwise passenger |, and freight steamer IROQUOIS and her sister’ ship SHAWNEE are being built by the Newport News Shipbuilding & Dry Dock Co. from designs. by Theodore E. Ferris for the New York-Miami service of the Clyde Steamship company. A total cargo capacity of 190,000 cubic feet is available in the holds and tweendecks, about 16,000 cubic feet of this being refrigerated car- go space. Both passenger and cargo spaces are mechan- ically ventilated on a scale never before at- tempted in a ship of this class, the total volume of ventilation being in excess of that usually provided on an ocean liner of twice the ton- nage. These vessels will be driven at 18 knots speed by single reduction geared turbines with oil burning watertube boilers. The fuel tanks have sufficient capacity for thirteen days steam- ing at full speed. i) O88 ©8600 COO eee eof z Rd -— = e} —F } —— MARINE REvVIEw—April, 1927