DESCRIPTION The hopper dredge WILLETS POINT was designed by the army engineers and _ repre- sents the results of a great deal of experi- ence with many dif- ferent types. Motive power is furnished by twin diesel engines di- rect connected to the propellers. The over- all dimensions have been kept down. = AUXILIARY EQUIPMENT Manufacturers of: Electric Generators—Westinghouse Name—WILLETS POINT Owner—U. S. Army, Corps of Engineers Builder—Federal Shipbuilding & D. D. Co. Electric 16 Naval Architect—U. S. Engineers, Maj. Styer Launched—June 26, 1926 Completed—Oct. 9, 1926 Classification—Owner’s requirement HULL PARTICULARS Length overall, 200 feet; length between per- pendiculars, 193 feet; breadth molded, 41 feet; depth molded, 19 feet 6 inches; draft, 16 feet 6 inches; displacement loaded, 2898 tons; gross tonnage, 1164; net tonnage, 558; cargo capacity, 1500 tons; or 381,450 cubic feet; hopper ca- pacity, 1170 cubic yards; bunker fuel oil capac- ity, 60 tons; speed, 9.15 knots, on trial trip. MACHINERY PARTICULARS Main Engines—Two, 4-cycle air injection, sin- gle acting, Winton diesel engines, each of 8 cylinders of 12 15/16-inch diameter and 18- inch stroke. Boiler—One donkey boiler of the vertical fire tube type built by the Federal Shipbuilding & D. D. Co.; size, 4 feet % inch in diameter by 9 feet 3 inches high of 216 square feet heat- ing surface; fuel oil. Auxiliary Engines—One 8-cylinder, 4-cycle air injection single acting 12 15/16 by 18 inches Winton diesel engine; one 4-cylinder Winton diesel engine 7% by 11 inches. & Mfg. Co. Electric Motors—General Electric Pumps—wWorthington, Dunning and Northern Dredging Pumps—Two, Federal S. B. Co. Windlass—Hyde Windlass Co. Capstan—Hyde Windlass Co. Winches—Lidgerwood Mfg. Co. Winches for Drag—Lidgerwood Mfg. Co. Steering Engine—Hydro electric, Hyde Refrigeration—Brunswick-Kroeschell Co. Hopper Gear—Federal Shipbuilding & D. D. Co: The hopper dredge WILLETS POINT has been designed with certain operating conditions in mind in order to give economy under such con- dredge is to operate definitely fixed the limits of her It will be possible for through to the Great Drags have been fitted on both sides The machinery and operating bridge is located aft. The question of stability has been carefully worked out to give a proper margin of safety The con- struction of the vessel throughout is of steel ditions. The waters in which this dimensions and draft. this dredge to pass Lakes. pivoted at the sides forward of the hopper. in all possible conditions of loading. and all framing and stiffening is substantial. ~ IN a eas. zee TIS TT TALI NaN sanaane! |: res : : H ath »* (Es So Fea Rae) . SES \ i, ts ‘i NE Oe 3 et ek Ot a (zh Ka es fs fat 8 Hr BS VS pee SASS by bes mana fe- Cres et td a bs KF Se ain: i iy; om oe ee f Ue . 7 ee f Ey MARINE REVIEW—April, 1927 iS Es