18 [ CALIFORNIA—Passenger Ocean Liner—Twin Screw Electric Name—CaALIFORNIA Owner—Panama Pacific Line (I. M. M. Co.) Builder—Newport News S. B. & D. D. Co. Launched—Under Construction Classification—American Bureau of Shipping HULL PARTICULARS Length overall, 601 feet 3 inches; length be- tween perpendiculars, 574 feet; breadth molded, 80 feet; depth molded, 52 feet; draft, 32 feet 3 inches; displacement loaded, 30,300 tons; gross register tonnage, approximately 20,400; pas- senger capacity, first class, 384; intermediate class, 363; cargo capacity, 7800 tons; bunker fuel oil capacity in tons, 4750; speed 18 knots average. MACHINERY PARTICULARS Main Engine—Turbo-electric propulsive ma- chinery to be supplied by the General Electric Co.; a twin serew installation with a total of 17,000 shaft horsepower at 120 revolutions per minute of the propellers. There will be two main generators and two D. C. propulsive mo- tors, each direct-connected to a propeller. These electric motors will be double armature and DESCRIPTION The smart looking new ship pictured here is now under’ construc- tion and will be com- pleted in the fall of 1927 for service be- tween New York and California. In every respect this liner will be comparable to the finest transatlantic ships now in service. She will be fitted with turbo-electrie drive and will make a speed of 18 knots. will be 8500 shaft horsepower each at 120 revo- lutions per minute. The generators will be each of 5250-6600 kilowatts with exciters of 500 kilo- watts. Boilers—Twelve Babcock & Wilcox marine water tube boilers of a total heating surface of 55,176 square feet and 16,128 square feet of superheating surface; fuel, oil. AUXILIARY EQUIPMENT Manufacturers of: Pumps—Warren Steam Pump Co. Windlass—Hyde Windlass Co. Winches—Hyde and Lidgerwood Steering Engine—Hyde Windlass Co. Refrigeration—Brunswick-Kroeschell Co. Gyro Compass and Gyro Pilot—Sperry Searchlight—Sperry Gyroscope Co. Superheaters—Babcock & Wilcox Co. Aux. Lighting—Matthews Engineering Co. Electric Generators—General Electric Co. Oil Burning Equipment—Peabody Eng. Corp. Her design is based on the new ‘Minne” class liners of the Atlantic Transport line, the MINNEWASKA and MINNETONKA. { hos (ee | ee | SS pw ‘ : ‘ ‘ ‘ ' f Teh. oes Perera Ter rer es PVT ocr ares CATE HLAU 1B Sa re dev a Ve rear rererTy mT ----— = s zee fee fee caer eee Eee eee aly ee MOG CECH THY et oe we me ee em eb ee ee me ee ‘ ) ’ ' reas oq Tener ites irk aia ReMi Oe pees Lapa Y ct t' renyrmis re Tear RRA tye Secon re OS aaa MARINE REVIEW—April, 1927