Key System Ferries Peralta and Yerba Buena ae ai World’s Largest Electric Ferries NEW and high standard in ferry boat engineering has been achieved in the Key System Transit ‘ Company’s ferry boats “Peralta” and ‘‘Yerba Buena”. Speed, maneuvering ability, and economy were all de- manded from the power plant. Smooth operation, insuring the maximum comfort for the passengers, was also a big factor. To attain these results, Westinghouse turbine-electric equipment was chosen for all propulsion and West- inghouse motors for all equipment The broad scope of Westinghouse experience in ma- rine electrification insures a correct solution of the .\ many difficult situations that arise in marine engineer- -ing. Our nearest branch office will gladly confer on any specifications no matter how large or how small. e oo Westinghouse Electric & Manufacturing Company oo East Pittsburgh Pennsylvania es Sales Offices in All Principal Cities of y “——_ the United States and Foreign Countries La jouse X91112 MARINE REVIEW—April, 1927 27