SHARPLES OIL PURIFIERS in 30-Day Government Test HAMILTON M.A.N. si. DIESEL During the 30-day full-load Government Test of the Hamilton M.A.N. 3300 s.h.p. double-acting Diésel Engine for the U. S. Shipping Board, three Sharples Oil Purifiers were used to clean the fuel and lubricating oil. The Hooven, Owens, Rentschler Co., of Hamilton, Ohio— builders of this great engine—wisely safeguarded against shut-downs through impurities in the fuel and lubricating oils during this important test by installing Sharples Super Centrifuges for rapid and positive purification. THE SHARPLES SPECIALTY COMPANY, 2338 WESTMORELAND STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Boston, New York, Pittsburgh, Chicago, Detroit, Tulsa, New Orleans, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Seattle, Toronto. Super Centrifugal Engineers, Ltd., Aldwych House, London, W. C. 2, England; Ste. Ame des Appareils Centrifuge, 8 Rue du Helder, Paris, France; Tatsumi Commefeial Corporation, Marine Insurance Building, Tokio, Japan. MARINE REVIEwW—April, 1927