Distinctive Ships Use HASKELITE ana PLYMETL EAR after year HASKELITE, the structural plywood, and PLYMETL, its armored companion, are specified on the dis- tinctive ships built and reconditioned. Experience has demonstrated the space saving, time saving, and money saving which result from the adoption of HASKELITE bulkheads and paneling. PLYMETL for bulkheads, doors, galleys, etc., is fast becoming recognized as the logical means of retarding and localizing fire, a safety measure of prime importance. The record of 1926, like that of every recent year, shows a majority of the major contracts for ship joiner work going to HASKELITE. Note the following partial list of 1926 boats on which HASKELITE or PLYMETL or both were installed. Full details of the application of these materials will be gladly sent on request. An Imposing List of 1926 Installations Line Boat Builder H. or P. U.S. Shipoime Board... 2.0... *Pres, Arthur. «..2.....; Los Angeles Shipbuilding Co.. H. *Pres. Harding. 3...) Newport News...... Je 2: *America (tea " e Me Moin ee Chatham... ...2 2.3.0. ia H. & P a Dorchester. 6. ee. “ ee ug Kaitfas. 8. as a ee 2 ie Clyde... kee Algonquin. 30. es. H. we [Yogueis 22... 5.6 s bs i! Shawnee... oe “ a U. S. Shipping Board... .2...-... *TOMmPA. 6 eee. . as o WUnicol ©. : - , "awoke. 6 2 a Bethlehem: .. 5... . . *City of Kayville .... : e «s eackeon. 2. Oe ae John: Cadwalader........ Pusey & Jones. ....: H. & P. (rand Triimk.. a0): ee 2: Car Aerries 2. Manitowoc: ...... es is PUIVAUe ie ee Cruiset. 2. 6 Defoe Boat)... 2.5. . Mey Sveteme. 2 ferries. © ee Moore Drydock..... H. Prvatée. Yacht... 3: Newport News...... ae Fishers Island Navigation Co...... Fishers: Island... 4.23.2; Bethlehem... 5... H. & P. U. &. Shipping Bord.) s. West Honaker............ ye H. ss West Cusseta o>... - “ - Crown City. 7.34... 2 as All boats listed above are new except those marked*. These are reconditioned. “H” and “P”’ indicate ‘“‘Haskelite’’ and ‘“‘Plymetl’’. HASKELITE MANUFACTURING CORP., 133 West Washington St., Chicago, I EL EPLYMETL, MR4-Gray MARINE REVIEw—April, 1927 39 . NUM il | {uit | UL UMN WENT