Diesel-powered tug, “Bo Mo Thomas.” Length over-all, 88! 9"— beam 2 1'6"—draft 10'. Powered with a 500 B.H.P.Nelseco Diesel Engine, 230 R. P. M. —Type 6MIR-22. In continuous 24-hour service on the Schuylkill River .7O shut downs—no repairs — only slight delays for refuel- ing. That is the record of the tug, “B. M. Thomas,” which has been engaged in continuous towing service at Philadelphia for several months. 2 This vessel, owned by the Haines- port Mining & Transportation Company —a subsidiary of the Van Sciver Corporation, was com- pletely built last year at the Groton Plant of the New London Ship & Engine Company. It is powered with 500 B. H. P. Nelseco Diesel engine — direct reversible, mechan- ical injection—Type 6MIR-22. Being manned with double crews and equipped with fuel tanks of ~ 9,000 gallons capacity this tug is able to maintain almost continuous 24-hour towing service. Nelseco engineers will be glad to tell you about other interesting Nelseco Diesel installations. In writing ask for pamphlet M.R. NEW LONDON SHIP & ENGINE COMPANY Groton, Conn., U.S. A. New York Sales Office 247 Park |[Avenue, New York City West Coast Representative KING-KNIGHT CO. Seattle, San Francisco, Los Angeles Chicago Representative H. JACOBSEN 25 North Dearborn Street NELSECO Original licensees from and collaborators with M.A.N. since 1910. onesies MARINE REVIEW—April, 1927 77