Latest Marine Events in Pictures Chesapeake bay steamer City of Richmond after sinking her sister boat, City of Anna- polis, near the Potomac early Feb. 24. One Wailea Skates liner passenger in the path of the prow was killed. ath A th The remaining 100 safely transferred to the ee ak pee ; City of Richmond Jack, Boston / Bulk lake freighter Merton E. Farr Below—Bird’s eye view of part of Houston har- bor and turning basin Below—Houston’s Light and Power Co.’s 65,- 000-kilowatt electric plant on Houston ship canal At right, below, Salvage Prince breaking 18-inch ice on the Great Lakes Below—All four propellers of the Leviathan may be seen in this photograph taken in the Common- wealth drydock, Boston > Five masted barkentine, Buccaneer, remodeled at Tebo plant, Todd Shipyards Corp., as quar- ters of the Buccaneer’s club of New York 78 MARINE REVIEW—April, 1927