Assuring “B’ etter “C’ontact N A. B. C. report is a businesslike, deciding author- ity that has replaced the old custom of buying space on certain ‘“‘claims’ of the publisher. The publisher with space to sell submits the facts about his business in the form of a statement to the Audit Bureau of Circulations. This statement after it is checked, approved and audited by the Bureau is used to place the publisher's wares before the Advertiser who is buying space. : The Advertiser knowing the thoroughness of A. B. C. methods safely bases his decision on the Verified Facts contained in the A. B. C. report. The Audit Bureau of Circulations has brought together the Buyer and Seller of Space upon a basis of Mutual Confidence. The careful Advertiser knows that the purchaser of Space by A. B. C. reports cuts out inflated Waste Cir- culation and saves money that would otherwise be lost in paying for unproductive space. Study the latest A. B. C. report of MARINE REVIEW _ before placing your advertising. <A copy will be furnished on request. 157 X DT TIT | MARINE REVIEw—April, 1927 89