—WELDWOOD— Layers of wood welded together with a _ water Faded | cement Bulkhead C onsivieie. Ceilings, Walls, Door Panels Drawer Botton furnished in all hard and soft ea ||| * = _ woods. Will not warp or a | ay —s Weldwood reduces the weight buckle, stands by itself. Re- a ||| nS a—<—=$ above the water line. Ample quires no backing. Requires I HN 1; stocks maintained for quick : a chnsienGlee oF eer deliveries. Naval architects \% less paint than composition Weld wood} ir hard woods. Weldwoud a pice material, by actual test. Low Welded with same water Welded with same water can choose from stocks at eet aipe used in resistant cement used in . S. Aircraft propeller U. S. Aircraft propeller N. j first cost. construction. construction. a te York and Detroit. Technical service of our engineers at: your service. Catalog with prices on request. UNITED STATES PLYWOOD COMPANY Inc. 603-07 West 36th St. - - - New York, N. Y. The triple-guaranteed expansion joint = > & & ~~ & 3 cS S a sl Manufactured by a special process Port of Portland’s Diesel- ’ ee 3 that keeps the thickness of the metal lectric Dredge ‘Clacka- : : : oo , . eeeb- uniform at all points. aie & a?” We have published an information Leaf- <ER|(k= i & \ 5a ss let describing the special features of the i. 7) G-R Expansion Joint, listing the com- plete range of sizes, and giving in detail . : a a a the three guarantees that permanently Refrigeration Aas protect turbine and condenser from ex- on the pansion and contraction strains. Send World’s Largest Dredge oe The 50 officers and men of the “‘Clackamas” have the benefits of cold e drinking water, pure ice, and a cold storage room for food, through a Frick The Griscom-Russell Company Combined Refrigerating Machine. What has your ship? 985 Madison Ave Bulletins on requests New York Le, LOMITA : Chicago Office: 814-A Monadnock Bldg. U.S.A. WAYNESBSORTC. PA.. Branches in principal cities IGE MACHINERY SUPERIOR SINGE 1852. MARINE REvIEw—April, 1927 91