AT. LEFT—METHOD OF HANDLING GENERAL CARGO reference to the reduction of accidents gives a foreman a healthy apprecia- tion of the importance of the safety program. Another and very important benefit which has grown. out of this feature is the fact that this com- mittee meets in the manager’s office with the manager and several other executive officers of the company, and there can be no doubting the in- spirational effect this has on the fore- men, as is evidenced by the fact that they are thinking of management problems in a way that has never before been experienced. It broadens their point of view to management’s responsibilities regarding many factors in the business outside of the safety program. The foremen have come to realize the importance of keeping costs down, the importance of the elimination of waste, and as a matter of fact, the “by-products” of the safety movement on the Southern Pacific Steamship piers have more than paid for the whole safety effort. Better results in all around efficiency have resulted. The second objective in the safety program of the Southern Pacific Steamship lines was the development «nd maintenance of systematic safetv advertisement and education among all employes. In order to accomplish this aim, the company made use of two educational features. First each stevedoring foreman be- came a “missionary” for the cause of safe work among his men. Secona a comprehensive bulletin board system based upon practical scientific adver- tising principles was secured to keep the safe work suggestion constantly before the men. FOREMEN AND PIER SUPERVISORS OF THE SOUTHERN PACIFIC STEAMSHIP LINES MEET AS A GENERAL SAFETY COMMITTEE EACH MONTH ON ONE OF THE COMPANY’S SHIPS 30 MARINE REVIEW—May, 1927 FROM TRUCK TO PIER—AT RIGHT—MOVING FREIGHT ON PIER ITSELF BY ELECTRIC TRUCK The stevedoring foremen, by reason of their constant contact with the men as they do their work, were able to set an excellent example to instruct men in safe practice, and by giving safety their co-operative support, they impressed their men with the import- ance of safety methods. Everyone who is acquainted with the relation- ship existing between foremen and and men knows that the formen’s attitude regarding any project is one of the biggest single factors in “con- verting”’ workers. The company installed large, at- tractive bulletin boards at the entrance to the piers where every man must pass them several times a day. One of the features of these bulletin boards was a large 14 x 17-inch photograph, featuring current news events of the world. We all know of the power of news pictures to attract attention, and this scientific advertising principle was used to attract men to the bulletin boards. These news pictures. are changed every day, and thus interest in the bulletin boards is kept alive at all times. Along with the news pictures are displayed safety posters, safety rec- ords, letters from the management, good will and morale building bul- letins, and many other current facts and ideas -which the management desires to keep before the men. Education In Safe Habits Advertisers have found that the public can be educated to a desired point of view by the process’ of repeated suggestion. Using this principle in advertising safety and educating the workers in safe habits, the Southern Pacific Steamship lines erected small bulletin boards at “acci- dent-possible” locations throughout the piers, so that one of them (Continued on page 44)