Wheelhouse 8. §. Pulpit Point § Ff the Vacuum Oil Company, Ltd., Showing the Sperry Gyro-Pilot and Helm Angle Indicator. Faring more with the SPERRY GYRO-PILOT ~,ONSTANTLY alert to the vessel’s D sli ghtest tendency to leave the course, the Sperty Gyro-Pilot applies corrective rudder before the “yaw” has even become apparent. Instant application of rudder permits accurate steering with small rud- der angles—_amounting in many cases to less than half of those used by a “ good” wheelsman undet the same conditions. The small angles thus employed materi- ally reduce the rudder drag, resulting in better speed of the vessel with the same propeller revolutions — a direct saving. The normal tendency of a vessel when steered with large rudder angles to con- tinue along its forward path at an oblique angle to the course is suppressed, and the enormous resistance of the water to this sidewise motion is materially lessened — also a divect saving! The momentary slowing down of the propeller in the face of large rudder angles is also eliminated — stél] another direct saving! A DIRECT COURSE IS A DIRECT SAVIN Let us quote on suitable equipment for your vessels THE SPERRY GYROSCOPE COMPAR LONDON BROOKLYN, N. Y. TOKYO Representatives in LOS ANGELES CLEVELAND SAN FRANCISCO SEATTLE PHILADELPHIA 236 Avalon Blvd. Rockefeller Bldg. Matson Bldg. Central Bldg. 324 Ridley Avenue Wilmington, Calif. Sharon Hill, Pa. MARINE REVIEW—May, 1927 3