bl <a eee aes a> an a> Qe ir P-GP Oa -G — sal in ee SS] Bie Re GB The graph is not ours. It was taken from a recent issue of an industrial magazine. It shows how the turning point between the two- and four-cycle principle came in 1924 and how the two-cycle airless-injection principle has now soared far above all other types sthe two-cycle Diesel forges ahead O NOT permit the great wave of preference for the two- stroke-cycle Diesel to obscure the simple fact that it takes more than a superior principle of design to make a superior engine. The greater value of the Fairbanks-Morse Marine Diesel lies not alone in its two-stroke-cycle principle, but in the refinements of design, in the unequaled facili- ties for building these engines and in the unmatched arrangements for servicing the vessels equipped with F-M Diesels. In selecting a Diesel engine start with a comparison of Diesel engine principles. This will lead you to the two-stroke-cycle engine with airless fuel injection. Then select the engine that represents this principle at its best. In the opinion of a great majority of boat owners that Diesel is the Fairbanks-Morse! Ask for Bulletin 1020 which contains an interesting comparison of Diesel engine principles RBANKS- MORSE DIESEL ENGINES The product of experience