MARINE DEPARTMENT of American Bridge Company FRICK BUILDING : : PITTSBURGH. PENNA. BUILDERS OF STEEL BARGES for RIVERS and HARBORS CAR-FLOATS pare Fs Wiig q & a ei DEAN BROS MARINE PUMPS THE DEAN OF PUMPS ON LAND AND SEA Traveling East or West A restful night on beautiful Lake Erie—to or from Niagara Falls, will add enjoyment to your trip. Palatial steamers— Unlimited facilities, including large airy state- rooms, excellent dining room service. Daily May 1st to November 14th—Each Way Every Night between Cleveland and Buffalo Leaving 9:00 p. m., arriving 7:30 a. m. (Eastern Standard Time) Write for new Steamer Schedule between Cleveland and Buffalo via ERIE during July and August Connections at Buffalo for Niagara Falls, Eastern and Canadian points. Connections at Cleveland for Cedar Point, Put-in-Bay, Toledo, Detroit and points West. Our new 32-page Tourist Guide with complete information and maps will be mailed free—on request. Ask your ticket agent or tourist agency for tickets viaC & BLine. Your rail FARE ticket is good on our steamers. Ts The Cleveland and Buffalo Transit Co. : Cleveland, Ohio S.S. Wm. K. FIELD Built by TOLEDO SHIPBUILDING CO., Inc. EQUIPPED WITH DEAN BROS. PUMPS ESTABLISHED /869 DEAN BROS. COMPANY INDIANAPOLIS /ND. New Auto Rate $5.00 and up 62 MARINE REVIEW—May, 1927