Boss FISH: ‘‘Here’s one of those SHIPMATES which have cooked so many thous- ands of our family and friends. It'll never cook any more— that’s some comfort. 72 : Weegee Sy It’s a satisfaction tho to AN SA SAS sc rr eee lin know that they were all we// ee a eaae= a TiO RANE A : Za AW (= ae i cooked. Zee : 7 .\ Sale , eis Za — a len es . . , . . . BY =n \\| NL \ Ao see Fl 69 oer a Ul ae : SCA WANN: = = : imZe Zo Whe a f Ha age mg te rie 9 mS, — = i = <MIPMATE, | BYRE™ 797 j= SHIPMATES 1 IZ ey ——— ay a i \ ea p 7 "=< ie ‘ ; \ j BAAS = wats | Ney eG as | are made only by HEAD 1a BEL type Be THE STAMFORD FOUNDRY COMPANY | Established 1830 : ‘STAMFORD, CONN. Gillen Orders Two More G-R Multiscreen Filter Ellis Barges : | BD ees 2 ol Keeps oil out of the boiler Comp: ny of Milwau- kee has ordered two more 90 foot pile driver barges to be built under the Ellis Channel System of Steel Hull Construc- tion. Send for bulletin THE GRISCOM-RUSSELL CO. Department N, 285 Madison Ave., New York Philadelphia Chicago St. Louis San Francisco oston Cleveland New Orleans . Los Angeles Rochester Detroit . Houston Seattle Side gal Ni ei cont orion leat A olumbus inneapolis tlanta alt Lake City OF STEEL HULL CONSTRUCTION Indianapolis Kansas City Charlotte Tulsa Patented ~ Edgar Ames, Sole Licensee Sh Ciusch St New York For Canada: Riley Engineering and Supply Company, Ltd.,-Toronto £9 MARINE REVIEW—May, 1927 63