100” efficiency ratings demand clean oil ce WO ships of the Roosevelt Steam- ship Company have earned Ship- ping Board efficiency ratings above 100%. They are the S.S. Algic and the S.S. Homestead. Both are equipped with De Laval Oil Purifiers. Both vessels have been in service more than seven years. Neither has ever had its main turbine bearings touched. The lubricating oil consump- tion of the Homestead’s 2500 hp. geared turbine averages only two gal- lons a day and a recent check of her gears showed a total wear of 0.008- feel as though they had just come out of the shop. Such is the protection afforded by clean lubricating oil—lubricants that are free from water, dirt, sludge and metallic particles—materials that wear down bearings, cause them to run hot and in general lower operating effici- ency. Considerably more than a thousand ships now have this protection — Leviathans and tugs — turbines and Diesels. Write for data concerning your type of ship, being .sure to ask inch. On both ships the gears look and for Bulletin 106-MR. THE DE LAVAL SEPARATOR COMPANY 165 Broadway, New York 600 Jackson Blvd., Chicago DE LAVAL PACIFIC COMPANY, San Francisco ALFA-LAVAL COMPANY, Ltd., 34 Grosvenor Road, London, S.W. 1. De Laval Oil Purifier in- stalled on the ‘‘S.S. Algic’’ of the Roosevelt Steamship Company Another De Laval of the same size and type is installed on the Roosevelt Company’s **S.S. Homestead’”’ Types for Lubricafirrg”Oil and Fuel Oil 76 MARINE REVIEW—May, 1927