Great Lakes Art Database

Marine Review (Cleveland, OH), June 1927, p. 45

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of 1925 Lake Michigan has_ been slowly recovering from the effects of the dry years from 1917 to 1925. In- creased rainfall is attributed to the rise in Lake Michigan water during April by the Chicago sanitary dis- trict engineers. Statistics of the gov- ernment lake survey show that Lakes Michigan and Huron rose three-tenths of a foot during that month. Lake Michigan now is about 0.96 of a foot higher than a year ago, and in the latter part of April was only 4.45 feet below the high stage of April, 1886. It was 1.06 feet below the average stage of April for the last ten years, it is declared. Figures cited for the other lakes are taken to show that Lake Superior has risen 1.31 feet in the past year; Lake Erie has gained 0.94 feet, and Lake Ontario 1.05 feet. * * * CHEDULES of the steamship lines running from Chicago to outside points now are on Chicago daylight savings time, which is an hour ahead of central standard time, and all re- ports are being made on Chicago time.. * * * HE proposal of the Goodrich Tran- sit Co. to start operating a second boat between Chicago and Milwaukee, to supplement the services of the CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS, has_ been abandoned for the present. It had been decided to have one of these boats leave Milwaukee for the Chi- cago trip at the same time the other departs from Chicago for Milwaukee, the vessels to cross paths enroute. The Chicago-Milwaukee runs will now be maintained as_ heretofore. * * OAT schedules to Mackinac will be the same as during last sum- mer. Daily services between Chicago, Grand Haven and Muskegon, Mich., were resumed on May 26. Ocean Freig ht Rates Per 100 Pounds Unless Otherwise Stated Quotations Corrected to May 19, 1927 on Future Loadings NOTE: FREIGHT RATES STEADY WITH BUT SLIGHT CHANGE New York Cotton General cargo {tFinished REMARKS From North Pacific Lumbe to Grain Provisions (H. D.) Flour cu. ft. 100 lbs. steel Freight Offered Ports to Per m. t. Liverpool...... 2s 3d $0.60 $0.40 O22 $0.50 $0.90 $8 .OOT*** Poor San Francisco........... $4.50 to 5.00 London <4) sis 2s 3dt 0.60 0.40 0.22 0.50 0.90 8.00T *** Poor South California........ 4.50 to 5.00 Oslocs 5550555 $0.18 0.45 0.50 0.30 0.421% 0.85 8.00T Slow Hawaiian Islands....... 9.00 to 10.00 Copenhagen... 0.18 0 45 0.50 0.33 0.50 1.00 8.00T Good New: Zealand. s.2. 3c: 16.00 to 19.00 Hamburg.... 0215 0.55 0.50 0.23 0.50 0.90 10.00T Good Sydneyiccnis oon: 14.00 to 14.50 Bremen....... 0.15 0.35 0.50to65 0.23 0.50 0.90 10.00T Fair Melbourne-Adelaide..... 14.00 to 15.00 Oriental: Porte2.2,.2:.. 11.00 to 12,00 esieietes hiss Ors 0 32% 0.60 0.25 0.45 0.80 9.50T Fair Oriental Ports (logs).... 14.50 to 15.50 Antwerp...... 0.14 0.32% 0.45 0.25 0.45 0.80 9.50T Fair Peru-Chile. 3 13.50 to 16.00 Havre. sess ees 0.16 0. a5 0. 50 0: 30 0. 45 0.80 9.00T Quiet South Africa Fee a ee 20.00 to 24.00 Bordeaux...... 0.16 0.55 0.50 0.30 0.45 0.80 9.00T Quiet Cabac Meco ete 15.00 to 17.00 Barcelona..... 0.50 0.30 10.00 bags —12.00T— 10.00T Fair United Kingdom........ 80s to 95s Diabon. . <25%.5 0.75 0.50 8.00T bags —23.00T— 8.00T Fair United Kingdom (ties)... Marseilles. .... a 0.65 0.40 7.00 bags —23 .00T— 8.00T Fair Baltimore-Boston range. .$14.00 to 14.50 . Genoa. eset sas 0-19 14.25 0.50 9.00 —23.00T— 11.50T Fair Florida Range.......... No rates Namie ss 0-0: 0.19 14,25 0.50 9.00 —23.00T— 11.50T Fair. Buenos Aires.......... . 15.00 to 17.00 Constantinople. 0.27 20.00T 0.85 0.4014 —24.00T— 11.50T Fair Nocth. of Hatteras 14.00 te 15.00 Alexandria. cece 20. 0O0T 0. 85 0. 40% —24. 00T— Lt 50T Fair China IES GON Hee Sa aca 10. 50 to 11.00 Algiers so... 6. 0.85 0.60 0.45 —23 .00OT— 11.50T Fair JAVON, lcs cece pes 9.50 to 10.50 Dakar. ee 17.00 15.50T —23.00T— 11.50T Very good Capetown..... 18.00 13.00 20.00 13.00 to 18.00 °* Fair Flour and Wheat Buenos Aires... 22 00T 20.00 to 22.00T¢ 3.00 to 8.80T Poor U. K. and Continent *#Rio de Janeiro 22.00T Bee 20.00 to 22.00T+ 7.00 to 7.70Tt Poor (gross ton).......... 30s Od to 32s 6d Pernambuco... Mes 22.00T 9.00T —22.00T—t+ 9.70Tt Poor Oriental Ports (net tons).. $4.25 to 4.75 Hayana.: 2.3: 0.30* 0.50 Soe 0. 30* 0.61 133 10.00 Fair Vera Cruz..... 0.25 0.30 0.35 0.25 0.52% = 1.05 0.30 t0 0.35 Fair Valparaiso Pee 1.07 0.70 eece eoce 10.00T Fair San Francisco. . 0.35 to 0.70 oe 0.40 to 1.10 yt ars 0.25 to 0-30 Fair Sydney........ 18.00T 1.25 18.00T 18.00-24.00T 9.00 to 1].50T Fair Calcutta 333.3 se Seles 10.00T —16.00T— 10.00T Fair T—Ton. tPer quarter of 480 lbs. {Landed. {tHeavy products limited in length. *Ext **Plus $0.50 surcharge on all rates to Rio de Janeiro on account of congestion. Principal Rates To and From United Kingdom Ss Grain, River Plate to United Kingdom.. 28 Coal, South Wales to Near East....... 13 Coal, United Kingdom to Buenos Aires.. 13 Manganese Ore, Poti to Philadelphia... $3.95 d 0 Pig iron, United Kingdom to New York or 6 Philadelphia... insects ssces SRC Area 0 Iron ore, Bilbao to Cardiff.............. Iron ore, Huelva to Phila. or Balto...... Bu nker Price Ss ra charge for wharfage. ***kPlus 15 per cent. NOTE: Lighterage rates on fuel in New York reduced from 6% to 5c per barrel. The coal strike in Britain is now settled and freight rates or bunker prices for coal or © pig iron are again quoted. General cargo rates to Havana change daily and are omitted for the time being. ANN A Rates to Calcutta are subject to change without notice. Cotton goesonly to Bombay. At New York At Philadelphia Other Ports i iesel i Coal Fuel oil Diese Eng. oil Boston, coal, per ton....$7.85 sienalide i peak heli trim. in bunk alongside alongside Boston, oil, f. a. 8., per per ton per barrel per gallon per ton per barrel per an e arre oes ee ly 20, 1926.. 5.10@5.50 1.74@1.8144 5.09@6.15c ampton Roads, coal, per Sy ae nee fos.60 1.8134 6.10 Me 300@3.25 1.69@1.74%4 5.75@6.17 ton, fo.b., piers. 43.25 @4,50 Sone 1G 5.45@6.00 1.81% 6.05 Sept. 18...... 5.00@5.35 1.74@1.74%4 6.14% ay 10 — Cardiff, coal, per ct. 2 .. 7.25@7.50 1.70% 5.86 Get 2. 7°25@7.50 1.74@1.80% 5.66@5.88 OM soe evans wes 4s d Nov. 19..... 7.00@7.50 1.81% 5.87 Now 195.5465 7.00@7. 1.8014@1.81 5.43@5.88 London, coal, per ton... d Dec. 20..+... 6.25 @6.50 1.81 586 Dec, 20:...... 5'50@5.75 1.80@1.90% 5.64@6.19 Antwerp, coal, per ton. .23s Tan. 19 : 5.90@6.15 1.814 ° 5.87 ie 9S o. 6.20 1.95@1.9534 5.88@6.19 Antwerp, Fuel oil, per ton 80s0d Fh, 18.5). 5:25@5.50 1.81% 5.95 Re 16 oo 5.24@5.50 1.90@1.91 5.64@6.13 Antwerp, Diesel oil, per : Mas ie... S255. 50 1-81 5.95 Mar. 18 Sore 5 ie pe 1.95@1.95%4 Be Bi A od ay 19; 1937 eat i814 263 May 19, 1927. 5.15@5.65 1.7534@1.76 5.14@5.38 British ports, Diesel oil ..95s Od MARINE REVIEW—June, 1927 45 RES eee

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