OVER 65 YEARS _IN: SERVICE IN NEW YORK 124 ..5 0 : . —within the Port of New York is an intricate and highly specialized The Se VIOUS Bus. ZNLCSS undertaking. Adequate equipment and facilities to meet the ever changing conditions of harbour congestion, tides, channeling, and of Proper other problems is as important a matter to those owners and op- erators who demand a comprehensive Service as the welfare of their § h . EH d, ] . vessels upon the high seas. op aAnNaA’N 5 nee The Service of Moran, developed by three generations over a period of more than 65 years, has met every imposition for greater efficiency the intensive activities within the harbour has demanded. Indeed, in many instances the capabilities of Moran Service has been the inspiration for much of the present day efficiency that is so characteristic of the Port. Moran marine transportation engineers are available to owners and operators for consultation regarding towing or ship handling with- out obligation of any kind. MORAN TOWING & TRANSPORTATION CO., INCORPORATED 17 BATTERY PLACE, NEW YORK Whitehall 1340 MARINE REVIEW—June, 1927 47