ye Rene cme ae nee cpt re. : es ees o8* bee k eRe RE PERSE EES The new Kolster Radio Compass to be installed on the largest American-built ship “S. S. California’”’ This giant Panama-Pacific liner, now under con- struction at Newport News, will be equipped with every modern accessory for speed, com- fort and safety. The latest model Kolster Com- pass has been selected by the International Mercantile Marine Co., to assure the ‘Cali- fornia” the utmost in navigational accuracy. The new model Kolster Compass, pictured at right, was announced within the past ninety days. It offers 15 VITAL IMPROVEMENTS, including a new enclosed loop, a visual signal unit, a new-type 8-tube receiver, a positive unidirectional indicator and eleven other out- standing features, all of which are of para- mount interest to navigators. WRITE FOR KOLSTER COMPASS DESCRIPTIVE PAMPHLET FEDERAL TELEGRAPH COMPANY 25 Beaver St., New York Hobart Bldg., San Francisco HERMI Repairs to broken stern frames, rudder frames, shafts and _ other heavy or medium sections can be made quickly and permanently. sa'e time but also the money | involved in the replacement of ex- arin pensive parts, while the strength and ai durability of the member will be greater than before —a permanent repair. h Send for pamphlet No. }, 3440. If in a hurry, wire il Is or telephone our nearest | plant. Approved by Lloyds and the Principal Marine Rating Bureaus Thermit welding will not only | { a ) ii «| ul (] Hl : a d ea is I hi it il i i & h ] WELDING METAL & THERMIT CORPORATION~ 720 BROADWAY . NEW YORK, N.Y. BOSTON CHICAGO PITTSBURGH SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO TORONTO Be 62 RS A TY URN \ ii | Traveling East or West A restful night on beautiful Lake Erie—to or from Niagara Falls, will add enjoyment to your trip. Palatial steamers—Unlimited facilities, including large airy state- rooms, excellent dining room service. Daily May 1st to November 14th—Each Way Every Night between Cleveland and Buffalo Leaving 9:00 p. m., arriving 7:30 a. m. (Eastern Standard Time) Write for new Steamer Schedule between Cleveland and Buffalo via ERIE during July and August Connections at Buffalo for Niagara Falls, Eastern and Canadian points. Connections at Cleveland for Cedar Point, Put-in-Bay, Toledo, Detroit and points West. Our new 32-page Tourist Guide with complete information and maps will be mailed free—on request. Ask your ticket agent or tourist agency for tickets via C & BLine. Your rail ticket is good on our steamers. The Cleveland and Buffalo Transit Co. Cleveland, Ohio New Auto Rate $5.00 and up MARINE REVIEW—June, 1927