Bethlehem Equipment for Marine Service Bethlehem Marine Auxiliary Equipment Includes: HE above illustration shows two Bethle- Bethlehem (Dahl) Mechan- Steam Electric, Hydro- hem Evaporators installed in the engine Srageteece ary Lis: Electric and Hand Steer- room of the S. S. Steelore—a 21,200 ton com- A aa tae on a rash bination ore and oil vessel see Service Pumps Steering Gear Transmission : il Pumps : . Pipe Pusans Capstans . Bethlehem is prepared to furnish any exten- Extraction or Condensate Gy Pee sive line of Marine Auxiliary equipment for: Pumps Windlasses Air Pumps Winches —a complete motorship conversion Feed Water Heaters Hawser Reels f 1 hi Evaporators and Distillers Chain Stoppers ——any Bat of a complete motorship con- Ejectors Cil Engines version Air Compressors Steam Turbines f th hi Hydrokineters Steam Boilers —any oi the sisauilreaae auxillary require- Augmenters Steam Engines ments aboard ship BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY, General Offices: BETHLEHEM, PA. DISTRICT OFFICES: New York Boston Philadelphia Baltimore Washington Atlanta Pittsburgh _ Buffalo Cleveland Detroit Cincinnati Chicago St. Louis San Francisco Los Angeles Seattle xf, Portland Bethletem Steel Export Corporation, 25 Broadway, New York City, Sole Exporter of Our Commercial Products BETHLEHEM MARINE REVIEW—June, 1927 67