“STANDARD” Diesel Fuel Oil Distributing Stations Atlantic Coast West Indies Sweden New York St. Thomas Stcckholm Baltimore Gothenberg Norfolk South America Helsingborg Charleston Campana Malmo Gulf Coast Buenos Aires Germany Talara Hamburg Baton Rcuge New Orleans Azores ae saa aytown Ponta Delgada ahi ' Pacific Coast oo — San: Francice United Kingdom Belgium Richmond Purfleet Ace re 66 99 San Pedro Southampton oF a San Diego Liverpool Italy ae Astoria : Brixham, Genoa Portland Hull Africa ; . Point Wells Newcastle Bizerta Deisel Fuel Oil Seattle South Shields Algiers Lieeey eae ap - : Turkey z é Juneau Thames Haven . The vast organization and scope Tacoma Avonmouth Sra a of the Standard Oil Company (New heii eS Set ie Port Said Jersey) make it possible to offer adsl Mirus Straits Settlement . ° . . qe ingapo shipping interests world wide facili- Canada Bergen _ Pte ties for bunkering with “Standard” fat once phe site uae Piraeus e 5 ‘ agrees ancouver Diesel Fuel Oil. Our Diesel Oil is Prince Rupert Cee nip 2 a highly refined and clean product, sides asecubs Nybere China suitable for use in all full Diesel en ee Hong Kove ia Balboa Aalborg Shanghai gines. It is recommended by the leading Diesel motor manufacturers. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (New Jersey) 26 BROADWAY NEW YORK | THE BABCOCK & WILCOX CO. Steamer ‘‘JOSEPH H. FRANTZ’’, The Columbia Steamship Company Equipped with Babcock & Wilcox Water Tube Boilers and Superheaters THE BABCOCK & WILCOX Co. Marine Department 85 LIBERTY STREET, NEW YORK MARINE REVIEW—June, 1927 81