HAMBURG-AMERICAN LINE Passenger Services New York to Cherbourg, Southampton and Hamburg. New York and Boston to Cobh (Queenstown) and Hamburg. Freight Services New York to Hamburg direct. Philadelphia, Baltimore and Norfolk to Bremen and amburg. U. S Pacific Coast Ports to Northern Europe, United American Lines, Inc. General Agents 26 Broadway New York “How Wooden Ships Are Built” By H. COLE ESTEP A book packed full of useful information for the busy practical shipbuilder. Every new method of construction shown in 188 big easy-to-see illustrations. A complete story which takes the reader throughevery step of shipbuilding, beginning with the standing tree and ending with the trial ship with a supplement to laying off. Price, $3.00, (15s.) Postpaid THE PENTON PUBLISHING CO. Book Departmen t Penton Bldg., Lakeside Ave. & West 3rd St. Cleveland, O. 424 M Building the Emergency Fleet By W. C. Mattox The only book ever published about building the Emergency Fleet. A book in which every American can find interest and profit. 300 Pages 16 Portraits 30 Illustrations with Charts 6x9 inches Price, Postpaid a in United States and Canada. 25s. tn all other countries THE PENTON PUBLISHING COMPANY Book Department Penton Bldg., Lakeside Ave. & West 3rd St. Cleveland, O. 3411 M KELVIN & WILFRID O. WHITE CO. THE MULHOLLAND HATCH-FASTENER COMPANY BOSTON—NEW YORK Main 272. Marion Building, Cleveland, Ohio Cent. 1016 NAVIGATIONAL EQUIPMENT Manufacturers of the Mulholland Simplex and Contracts a Specialty Security Hatch aa ee For Ocean and New Branch now open re MONTREAL OVER 225,000 SETS NOW IN USE ON THE GREAT LAKES Vessel and Insurance Agents John J. Boland Adam E. Cornelius BOLAND & CORNELIUS VESSEL OWNERS AND BROKERS Edward P. Farley & Co. Incorporated Steamship Owners, Agents and Brokers 11 Broadway—New York Marine Insurance Agents Marine Trust Building BUFFALO, N. Y. OSBORN & LANGE, Inc. INSURANCE - AVERAGE ADJUSTERS Hulls and Cargoes (All Classes). Direct facilities for placing insurance in all home and foreign markets. INSURANCE EXCHANGE 175 West Jackson Blvd. CHICAGO, ILL. re | 332 So. Lasalle St. Rockefelle CHICAGO Cc Marine Insurance JOHN PRINDIVILLE & SONS Vessel Agents and Brokers 411 Chamber of Commerce MILWAUKEE MARINE REVIEW—June, 1927 Grain Exchange WINNIPEG