Plain Facts About Columbian ope MARINE SERIES NUMBER TWO Every Length Contains the Red, White and Blue 7ape-Marker - This Tape-Marker, which is found in one strand throughout the entire length of every Coane Tape-Marked Pure Manila Rope should not be confused with the ordinary marks of identification. It is more than identification, for printed on it you will find the words Guaranteed Rope followed by the manufacturer’s signature. This is the most tangible guarantee known and is definite evidence of the manufacturer’s confidence in his product. By finding this Marker in every line you take aboard, you will be sure you are obtaining a first quality rope that will give you full value in service. Compare Columbian with any brand and you will readily see for yourself what the Tape-Marker means. Columbian Rope Company 332-90 Genesee Street Auburn, ‘‘The Cordage City’’ N. Y. Branches : New York Chicago Boston New Orleans PTE Q GUARANTEED ROBE = - > Awuitt Glug QnecouyMBIAN ROPE CO. AuBuan, HiTe AS 5 enol Ask FOR “COLUMBIAN” TRADE MARKED B MARINE REVIEW—July, 1927 3