Peat, oa, |" [i ik Lich top eo) = Mil Wire: “Ed, I have never heard you say a word of complaint about the cook- ing you get at sea.” , CarTain (home from a iain ye ' Zs ; i) aD | 2 Wf | say bear = =f ye! FS li . Z pa 4 Sai 4 (l' walt ‘ ifs >panallel 2”; ff & i trip): ‘“‘Nothin’ to com- plain of; we always carry a SHIPMATE range.” ‘ \\ SHIPMATES Pr eh ik FOUNDRY COMPANY are made only by— Established 1830 STAMFORD, CONN. NATIONAL THERMIT Repairs to broken stern frames, rudder frames, shafts and _ other heavy or medium sections can be made quickly and permanently. Diesel Engine Forgings Thermit welding will not only ° | save time but also the money We manufacture High Grade , involved in the replacement of ex- 4 <f ‘ He Carbon and Alloy Steel For o- ve pensive parts, while the strength and ings, furnished smooth forged, i i i, fee of ae ae will be al Ae h d, h t treated and i i greater than CLOlLe ==. 2 ti F i rough turne Ca i ‘ y permanent repair. i) i ill fe finished complete; specializing mien :: Send for pamphlet No. i i in Diesel Engine Forgings, 4 ‘ 440. If in a hurry, wire q ‘\ Hollow Bored Forgings, 1s =i our nearest zt rough or finished bored, and Ordnance Work. Approved by Lloyds and the National Forge & Ordnance Co. IRVINE, WARREN CO., PENNA. Biopeaae Marine Rating Bell Phone: 55 Youngsville, Pa. Bureaus Branch Offices METAL & THERMIT CORPORATION“ Chicago Cleveland New York Detro‘t BROADWAY . NEW YORK BOSTON CHICAGO) sae poet SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO. TORONTO a : 62 MARINE REVIEW—July, 1927