‘U. S' Rubber Sleeves __ Prevent Corrosion ik I DEAN Bros. MARINE PUMPS THE DEAN OF PUMPS ON LAND AND SEA ili Hf! | { . tH | ae G hii a4 Y NSSSSSSsg | i 4 Gis 10 Ea Ss SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSIES oS USNS - Likhidhiiiddaa, 1 Ce SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS SSS LLM LLELLLLLLELL PEI) ae ue aon > >aaaa»sa__a>>> >>> >>> > > awl Ka Yt “oS = = aaa o LMU GM SG ts, Say 1 QSAR SSSSY ESSSSSSSISSS MAINS SPyy a 3h ISSSSSSSSISO AY M1 16 9 7 Yr Cerca Include Shaft Protection in Your Ship Plans.... 235248 Figure No. 2352-B Horizontal Durable Duplex Outside End Packed Pot Valve Plunger Pump for Boiler Feeding and Heavy Pres- sure Service for 300 pounds. ESTABLISHED /8&69 DEAN BROS. COMPANY /NOIANAPOL/S /ND. Every ship owner, marine designer and ar- chitect will find a study of “U. 8.” Rubber Sleeve protection for propeller shafts of vital interest. This scientific shaft protection is making possible tremendous savings for the marine industry through the minimizing of corro- sion replacements of shafts. Many will find the detailed drawing above of value. A few of the more important points illustrated: (2) Stern-tube. (6) Inboard bearing. (7) Lignum Vitae bearing. (11) Propeller shaft. (16) “U. S.” Rubber Sleeve. (12) Composition bearing sleeves. This method of shaft protection is ap- proved by the American Bureau of Ship- ping and by Lloyds. SEA WORTHY BOATS When considering boats and you are ready for figures remember— —that we build boats, from tugs to big : freighters. —that we build marine engines, boilers and auxiliaries. —that we are ideally situated on Lake Michigan. —that we have a trained crew of skilled workmen. —that we have splendid docking facilities. —that weareveteran successful boat-builders. Write for details MANITOWOC SHIPBUILDING CORP. Manitowoc, Wis. MANITOWOC MARINE REVIEW—July, 1927 : 73 May we send you our booklet, “Protective Rubber Covering for Propeller Shafts’? Rubber Company New York City United States 1790 Broadway Trade Mark Marine Sales Department Arubber-covered shaft will not corrode....