30 Church St., New York MORISON SUSPENSION FURNACES FOR LAND AND MARINE BOILERS Made to United States, American Bureau of Shipping, Lloyds, Bureau Veritas, or any other requiremerts Uniform Thickness—Easily Cleaned—Unexcelled for Strength pemconccnsrunrsat le gE eRAB — ’ ROWLAND PROCESS FORGE WELDED “STANDARD” Diesel Fuel Oil The vast organization and scope of the Standard Oil Company (New Jersey) make it possible to offer shipping interests world wide facili- ties for bunkering with “Standard”’ Diesel Fuel Oil. Our Diesel Oil is a highly refined and clean product, suitable for use in all full Diesel. en- gines. It is recommended by the leading Diesel motor manufacturers. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (New Jersey) 26 BROADWAY NEW YORK Formerly Manufactured by The Continental Iron Works (Established 1839) ALSO MANUFACTURERS OF ONE-TON CONTAINERS, PULP DIGESTERS, PRESSURE STILLS, STORAGE TANKS, CHEMICAL EQUIPMENT, SPECIAL CAR TANKS AND OTHER FORGE WELDED PRESSURE VESSELS The American Welding Company — Works: Carbondale, Pennsylvania “STANDARD” Diesel Fuel Oil Distributing Stations Atlantic Coast New York Baltimore Norfolk | Charleston Gulf Coast Baton Rouge ew Orleans Baytown Pacific Coast San Francisco Richmond San Pedro San Diego Astoria Portland Point Wells Seattle Ketchikan Juneau acoma Willbridge Hawaiian Islands Honolulu Canada Halifax Vancouver Prince Rupert Montreal Panama Canal Balboa MARINE REVIEW—July, 1927 West Indies St. Thomas South America Campana Buenos Aires Talara Azores Ponta Delgada United Kingdom Purfleet Southampton Liverpool Brixham Hull Newcastle South Shields London Thames Haven Avonmouth Glasgow Belfast Norway Bergen Oslo (Steilene) Denmark Copenhagen Nyborg Aarhus Aalborg Sweden Stockholm Gothenberg Helsingborg almo Germany Hamburg Nordenham Holland Amsterdam Rotterdam Belgium Antwerp Italy Genoa Africa Bizerta Algiers Turkey Constantinople Suez Canal Port Said Straits Settlement Singapore Greece Piraeus Roumania Constanza China Hong Kong Shanghai