One.ofthe main generators and direct connécted auxiliary generators General Electric marine equipment has aaa Oo . oe Re been successfully applied to many forms ‘oe ; of ship propulsion as well as to auxil- iaries. Among G-E equipped vessels are: 3 Sa SPN, ear eeeds Trawlers Dredges Towboats Tankers Ferryboats Tugboats Fuel Ships Fire Boats Battleships Cargo Boats Passenger Liners Bulk Freighters Coast Guard Cutters Airplane Carriers Double-armature, main propulsion motor GENERAL , or OAS) ie Saas we 2 ae COMPA N.Y, SCHEN EC TARY. N. Yes EE EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE£-_,_,o-H7-;-;,,,, _,, __—_—_____E_—S—S MARINE REVIEW—August, 1927