laskan Waters Diesel-Electric Drive The Northland, a worthy successor to the historic Bear, is now patrolling the Bering Sea. After a thorough trial, she was pronounced fit for the haz- ardous and arduous duty of policing this vast stretch of Arctic waters: Diesel-electric drive was chosen as best adapted for a service in which reliable performance and flexible operation are essential. Practically all the electric equipment is of General Electric manufacture. In addition to an extensive power plant, consisting of two 410-kw. main generators and five auxiliaries, an 18-kw. motor-generator set provides for the use of shore power when the vessel’s plant is shut down. Pumps, fans, windlass, compressor, and other auxiliaries are electrically driven by a total of 22 motors. The Northland is a veritable floating radio station of greater capacity than many licensed land stations. The transmitting eae: is, of necessity, compact and sturdy in construction. Control room on the U.S. Coast Guard Cutter, NORTHLAND 123-9 ELECT RIS SAL. Es OR Bea) ee cS R N:-G “EeP C--F" 5: 1-8 MARINE REVIEW—August, 1927