Latest Marine Events in Pictures Below—Largest whaling ship in the world, the C. A. Larsen, which is to take Commander Byrd and fifteen companions on an expedition to the South Pole. The bow is arranged with gates of sufficient size to ship the largest whale whole. It is then cut up within the ship Permanent chapel two decks high on new French liner Ile de France. Alter rail of hand wrought iron of superb craftsmanship. Decorations are in keeping with the finest traditions of French architecture Below—Great Lakes tugs at Cleveland. Numerous tugs are needed to assist the great fleet of ore carriers From the Cleveland Plain Dealer, June 25. By Noel Holmes The Malolo surrounded by tugs on her way into New York har- bor after collision with Norwegian freighter on June 25 Thomas J. Kehoe, general agent in New York for the American Oriental Mail line Photo by Marceau Outer harbor, Chicago. Tug Indiana, j Great Lakes Towing Co., with steamer Below—Milwaukee har- ‘ the an te bor with steamer Finland (nee) Harry Coulby in Ww Nevalal ia Gorse At Right—The gigan- [ tic size of the~stacks |. of the Leviathan is evident from this view showing men painting one of them MARINE REVIEW—August, 1927 27