The WHY of Linde Welding Service N A FIELD that is developing and has developed as rapidly as that of oxy- acetylene welding and cutting, it is im- possible for even the most alert welder or engineer to keep abreast of new Gevelopments. That is one of the reasons for Linde’s service staff. It is their job to know what is going on and to be ready with advice or in- struction whenever a Linde customer wants help. Their aim is—the most efficient and economical use of the oxy-acetylene process for every Linde customer. THE LINDE AIR PRODUCTS COMPANY Unit of Union Carbide and Carbon Company General Offices: Carbide and Carbon Building 30 East 42d Street, New York 37 PLANTS . . . . . 107 WAREHOUSES LINDE OXYG ane 57, No. 8, August, 1927, issue of Marine Review, published monthly at Cleveland, Ohio. Entered as second class matter at the post office, eveland, Ohio, under the act of March 3, 1879. Subscription price $3.00 a year in U. S.; Canada, $4.00; Great Britain, £1; single copies, 35c.