NamME Alvina Asama Maru Amasis A. M. Byers Agwistar Andalusite Ahmedi Achates Abron A. Ziesing Atlantica Amiral Gigault De Genouilly Albania B. Lyman Smith Bearport Bluestone Brewster Baie Saint Paul Bristo Borghild Blairdevon Craster Hall Cc Consul Poppe DaTE June 6 May 30 June 9 June 28 June 16 Canadian Trapper June 30 J 30 Carla Charles Brower Crescent City Craster Hall Cuba Consul Poppe ycre sf City of Pekin Claus Rickmers J June 19 June 20 June 22 June 22 June 28 June 28 City of Walkerville July 7 Conrad Luhring Citta Di.Porto Maurizzio C. F. H. Amble Dragoon Druid Dilston Doric Dundula Eurasia Emlynmor Empress of Canada Emily E. Selig Ellenville Ebro Emlynian Earl Drey Empress of Asia Eastern Francis Xavier Felicite Firth of Forth Forward Glenfinlas Girls’ Friend Gunther Greif Gera H. P. McIntosh Hounslow Hutton No. 2 alse Homer City H. T. Harpen Harry Coulby Ibiapaba J. E. Gorman Johanne June 16 June 22 June 6 June 10 June 23 June 30 July 5 July 8 June 22 June 21 June 23 June 30 June 29 June 22 July 1 June 20 June 8 Jacob Christensen July 7 Juyo Maru King Gruffydd eiun Maru Katrina Luckenbach 44 June 20 June 13 June 17 July 1 Brief Summaries of Recent Maritime Casualties— NATURE PLACE Ashore M. of Cape Race Stranded Sw Saghalien ’ Struck pier Sandon Basin Collision Toledo Aground Romer Sholas Ashore Humber Aground Bombay Struck sub. Vancouver object Aground Colon Struck Soo River Struck quay Cardiff wall Aground Bordeaux Fire Off Malmo Collision Huron Disabled Seattle Aground Kolvisto - Collision Boston Collision Off Cape aux Oies Disabled Astoria Aground Rosario Ashore Greenock Collision New York Struck Partridge Island Collision Port Arthur Collision Nr. Oreos Channel Collision Portage River Struck pier North Chelsea Aground Geedy Island Aground Hofland Collision Off Cape aux Oies Collision Galveston Aground Cape St. Lawrence Ashore No. of Santa Cruz Collision Talara Fire Bremen Aground Hogland Aground Port Pirie Collision Singapore Collision Nr. Rotterdam Collision Detroit River Disabled Holtenau Disabled Marseilles Disabled Dartmouth Struck rock Off Jersey Struck bar River Ban Aground Kotka Harbour Collision Quebec Collision Adelaide Disabled Copenhagen Struck pier Great Yarmouth Ashore Yokohama Disabled Halifax Collision Delaware Break- water Fire New York Struck sub. Constantinople object Disabled Seldom Collision Off Jize Point Disabled Off Atlantic City Struck reef Noumea-Caledonia Ashore Tors Cove Stranded Off Swinemunde Collision Bugsbys Reach Disabled River Clyde Aground Bressay Explosion Soderkoping Ashore Victoria Channel Collision Adelaide Aground Mud Lake Collision Kaiser Wilhelm Canal Aground Scarborough Struck iceberg E. of St. Johns Disabled Falmouth Aground Topolobampo Fire Lorain Collision London Collision Portage River Collision Kaiser Wilhelm Canal Aground Barbados Collision Miike Aground Port Pirie Capsized Osaka Fire Off Lower Calif. DAMAGE RESULTING Not stated Not stated Slight Plates; hawse Floated Floated Floated Not stated Floated Plates Rudder; sternpost Engines Holds Not stated Rudder Not stated Slight Sank Engine pipe ’ Not stated Floated Floated Not stated Not stated Damaged Floated Total loss No. 2 hold; bottom No. 2 hold Bows Floated Forward Stanchions Not stated Motor Machinery Leaking Considerable Not stated Floated plates; frames Stern Machinery Plates Floated Leaking Bow Considerable Bottom Leaking Starboard side Boiler Abandoned Total loss Floated Sank Machinery Floated Considerable Floated Slight Not stated Damaged Floated Forepeak Main pipe Not stated Forward Amidships Not stated Damaged Floated Port side © Floated No. 5 hold NAME Kyphissia Kilbane Kelvinside Kasado Maru Lancaster Castle Lingan Lestris London Lorain Munloyal Maria L. Meg Merrilies Mitchell Malabar Munorleans Margery Manor Munorleans - Matthew S. Greer Myra Frances Matheos Maya Maru Masuren Notanda Nicolo Odero Octorara Ozark Oima Odile Ordine Oakey L. Alexan- der Old Charlton Paraguay Paul Jeannine Palm Branch Port Chester P. B. No. 1 Proteus Point Fermin Port Curtis Queda Reginolite Rose Standish R. G. Richardson Relax Rudolph Bros. Reginolite ~ Surge Spezia Selwyn Eddy Selicite Steel Trader Silkeborg Seaward Socony No. 5 Sunbeam Solway Firth Spilsby Tampa Turner Topila Terje Tatsuno Maru Tottori Maru Tango Maru Teleopea Tekla Union Utila Unicoi Umvuma Victoria Maru Vulcan Vaba Veni William A. Graber West Niger Waalhaven Woyo Maru Willowpool. Wright W. H. Donner Wellpark Zapala Zeehond A Record of Collisions, Wrecks, Fires and Losses Date July 3 June 19 June 4 June 14 July 2 June 19 June 30 July 1 June 30 July 11 June 19 June 25 June 29 June 18 June 30 June 27 -June 29 June 5 June 21 June 12 July 7 June 14 June 16 June 29 June 30 June 16 June 20 June 15 June 28 June 29 June 13 June 17 June 16 June 30 June 27 June 16 July 8 July 1 June 21 June 29 July 10 June 27 June 20 July 7 June 7 June 13 MARINE REVIEW—August, 1927 NATURE Stra nded ire Disabled Ashore Aground Collision Collision Collision Collision Collision Collision Aground Struck obs. Explosion Disabled Sank Collision Struck dock Disabled Fire Ashore Collision Ashore Aground Collision Aground Collision Stranded Disabled Aground Disabled Collision Ashore > : Hvy. weather Fire Disabled Stranded Hvy. weather Aground Collision Collision Struck break- Collision Collision Ashore Stranded Ashore Ashore Aground Fire Ashore Aground Aground Collision Collision Disabled Collision Collision Fire Collision Ashore Struck bank Touched bot. Disabled Ashore Disabled Fire Ashore Fire Stranded Disabled Ashore Ashore Fire Aground Collision Stranded Collision Disabled Ashore Disabled Late Flashes On Marine Disasters DaMAGE PLACE RESULTING Willemsted Harbor Floated Oran No. 1 hold Londonberry Boiler Osaka Floated Port Swettenham Floated Quebec Starboard side Antwerp Roads Not stated Bugsbys Reach Not stated Sea Reach Port side New Orleans Damaged Nr. Oreos Chan. Slight Taylors Bank Floated Lake Huron Prop. blade Brooklyn Slight Off Governors’ Isl. Engine Philadelphia Raised Del. Breakwater Starboard side Miami Slight New Bedford Leaking Tomkinsville Considerable Glasgow Floated Shiminoseki Straits Plates River Parrett Not stated Nr. Cardiff Floated Galveston Damaged Off Crystal Beach Floated Off Truro ow-aground Torhamn Floated Quarantine Engine Nr. Alberoni Floated Norfolk Boiler Sea Reach Stem; bows Nr. Colonia Not stated Penzance Rudder Off Antwerp Propeller New York Slight New York Slight Brisbane Rudder Boca Chica Not stated Off Durban No. 3 and 5 holds Calcutta Damaged New York Not stated Boston Slight Conneaut Rudder; shoe Shrewsbury River Sank Tompkinsville Slight Talara Not stated Off Truro Sank Gibraltar Floated Nashon Island Not stated Tors Cove Not stated Saratoga Spit Floated Kaiser Wilhelm Floated Canal San Francisco Considerable Off Duxbury Floated Berwick-on-T'weed Floated Porthleven Floated- bottom Genoa Slight New Orleans Damaged New York Boiler Port Arthur “Slight Toledo Not stated At sea No. 6 hold Singapore Slight Kurushima Straits Floated Liverpool Wrecked Nr. Moon Lane Not stated Greenwich, Conn. Boiler Antilla Not stated Colombo Engines Cape Town No. 2 hold Saratoga Spit Floated Gulfport Not stated Nr. Constantinople Floated- bottom Pernambuco Machinery Buzzards Bay Not stated Se. Island of Not stated Negros Off Savannah No. 4 hold Nr. Yerinosari Not stated Antwerp Roads Slight Norrskaer Leaking Detroit river Plates Las Palmas Boilers English Bank Not stated Rotterdam Machinery