Vacuum Oil Company 4 > ee nccce GiSe PROS SSttectanecerent ~ RE scsnaonsereonsonmar Lot i a new Great Lakes District Lubrication Bulletin ERE is a special bulletin of interest to every owner and operator of vessels on the Great Lakes. It tells you how to obtain better results from lubrication; how to sim- plify your selection of lubricants; and how to save money on lubrication through adoption of standard practices. This authoritative Bulletin is issued by the Vacuum Oil Company. It includes a Chart of Recommendations of the most efficient GARSON CI oils to use; most efficient methods of lubrica- tion for: Refrigerating Machines Gears and Cables Telemotors Main Engines Auxiliaries Deck Machinery Send for a free copy of this new Bulletin; “Marine Lubrication, Great Lakes District. bb Address: Vacuum Oil Company, Depart- ment D, 925 Euclid Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. , Marine Oils A grade for each type of service Specialists in the manufacture of high-grade lubricants for every class of machinery. - Obtainable everywhere in the world. MARINE REVIEW—August, 1927 New York, U.S. A.