Dry Docking Ship Repairing Fuel Oil Installations ie TT) Diesel New Installations Turbine ‘“‘Good Ships Deserve Balancing Look into the Reilly Heater > == SS ae = = —— a a4 Note how little space it occupies; how easily in- spected; how each coil is shaped like a spring, pre- venting expansion strains on the joint. There are many other advantages of the Reilly Heater that you will be interested in reading about. Bulletin 511 tells the story. Send for a copy. The Griscom-Russell Company 285 Madison Ave., New York Chicago office: Monadnock Block Branch offices in principal ports 62 (! Carpenter and Joiner Work le Tank Construction York Special Good Workmanship.”’ Machinery Installations Cummings Combination Counter & Telltale Officially approved as conforming to Emergency Fleet Technical Order No. 104 IMMEDIATE DELIVERIES Continuous Rotary eight figure large numeral counter with no trouble- some reciprocating parts. Countershaft geared down | to 10 of main shaft. Positive counter with adjustable friction-drive telltale, 9-inch dial. Same hardened steel counter as used by U. S. navy on all destroyers, battleships, etc. To determine R. P. M. hold watch in one hand and telltale on zero with other hand, release and stop atter interval of 60 seconds. We also furnish driving mechanism from main shaft to counter. Cummings Machine Works 255 Atlantic Ave. BOSTON, U.S. A. MARINE REVIEW—August, 1927