DEAN BROS. MARINE PUMPS THE DEAN OF PUMPS ON LAND AND SEA Good, Dependable Boats Manitowoc has long been identified with boat building and enjoys an enviable posi- tion in this field. When considering boats remember —that we build boats, from tugs to big freighters. —that we build marine engines, boilers and auxiliaries. —that we are ideally situated on Lake Michigan. —that we have a trained crew of skilled workmen. —that we have splendid docking facilities. —that we are veteran successful boat-build- ers. Figure No. 1216 Horizontal Durable Duplex Piston Type Pressure Pump for General Pressure Service for 200 lb. Pressure. ESTABLISHED /869 DEAN BROS. COMPANY /NDIANAPOLIS /ND. ite for deta MANITOWOC. SHIPBUILDING CORP. Manitowoc, Wis. MANTTOW@C “Who's Who” on the Great Lakes The Great Lakes Red Book is a vest pocket directory of.the Great Lakes Vessel Trade 1927 EDITION It contains a list of all the vessels plying is a valuable handy reference book both 64 the Great Lakes and tells the names of the owner, the captain and the engineer of each boat. Contains a separate list of the ore carriers showing the capacity of each. It’s the only vest pocket directory of the vessel trade of the Great Lakes and for the salesman calling on his trade and the captain, engineer or sailor who wants to keep in touch with his former sailing mates. If you haven’t your copy yet send for it now before the supply is sold out. ONLY $1.00 A COPY INCLUDING DELIVERY Send your order today direct to BOOK DEPARTMENT The Penton Publishing Co. Penton Bldg., Lakeside Ave., & W. 3rd St. Cleveland, Ohio Publishers of MARINE REVIEW 209 M MARINE REVIEW—August, 1927