Marine Review The National Publication Covering the Business of Transportation by Water CLEVELAND FOUNDED 1878 NEW YORK CONTENTS Vol. 57 August 1927 : No. 8 Page Naval Parity and the Merchant Marine................. Br ear 4 § To Dieselize Additional Vessels .........:..cccccsscscsccscosssecsessese 12 Double Acting Diesel—30-Day Test .o....cccccecsceccssesscseee 13 Ile de France—Public Rooms Illustrated .........cccc00.0... 14 S. S. California—Duplicate Ordered. ...............cscccsccsoscssoee 15 Square Riggers and Seamanship ............c.cccccssssscescsscsesee 16 = SS. By Capt. Geo. S. Laing. ETRE BUSINESS OF TRANSPORTATION BY WATER Lemoyne—Largest Laker Efficient ............cccccccccossoscscsee 18 = SSS SS Donald McKay Memorial Fund. ........csssesssscsessesssesssssessees 20 ee Italian Government Honors American Sailors................ 20 Pulverized Ceal Cait bé Used .c.h5c a 21 re ee nee. by By A. H. Jansson. Cleveland, one kk - Diesel Ferries for New York—Launched ...............00..0000- 23 Shipping Revival in British Isles 24 - eiriene Office, Penton Bldg. 7 - Cole Estep, Vice President By Vincent Delport. se A H. Jansson, Editor Maritime Law—Late Decisions .0...........ccccccccscccesscossceesees 26 J. D. Pease, Advertising Director : F. V. Cole, Circulation Manager By Harry Bowne Skillman oa 2 ao Photographs—Latest Marine Events......0.......ccccesssceeee 27 Boston Office, 475 Main St., Cambridge,- Dock Management Progress Section ...........ccccccccsscscesseeeee 28 GB: Giendining Build New Harbor at Buffington Bufelo a Diesel Tugs in ‘Catalina Service (2300..5.0,...4..000c, 33 Boge What the British are. Doitig’ 34 V. E. Dolan What’s Doing Around the Lakes: ...céccccdcsscsssicscmstecccn 34 ee ee eee re Freight Rates and Bunker Prices ........sscssssssssssssssssssee 35 Fred P. Pletcher Compensation Given Harbor Workers ................cc0008 ~ 30 New York Office, 220 Broadway, * Joseph Fuller, Eastern Representative Equipment Used Afloat, Ashore .0..........cscese cestebheceinase 38 = me bers Seattle to Hold Marine Exhibit. ...0.é:..cccccccsccccssccosssreesceescss 41 H. R. Simonds By Robert C. Hill Pittsburgh Office, 2148 Oliver Bldg. Books, Review of Latest 42 Bat lessor : Latest ..... ssoesssasessscccnennnnnnunssecgenngnneantans : W. H. Lloyd Ports—Marine Business Statistics ........cccccccsseeseeeee 43 San Francisco Office, 24 California St. * G Dow Pareridas Disasters—Marine, Late Flashes ON Sstocnuteauoue: 44 Washington, D. C. Office, Personal Sketches of Marine Mem ......0.....ccscsseccossssssecssnss 46 one sigs Arthur J. Tyrer, Commissioner of Navigation London Office, Caxton House, By L. M. Lamm. Vo Trade Publications Reviewed ...ccssscssssssssssssssssssssssesssseeeeen 56 MARINE REVIEW is a member of the Audit Subscription . United States and its posses- Bureau of Cireculations, Associated Busi- sions, $3 per year; Canada $4.00; = : tries, £1:0:0. Single copies 35 cents. or re aitag ne ee gee Back numbers over three months 50 March 3, 1879. Copyright 1927 by The cents. Cable addresses: Penton, Cleve- ness Papers Inc. and the National Pub- t Britai d oth Forei - lishers Association. Entered at the ( p ei ae Gis a Ee — Penton Publishing Co., Cleveland, O. } # land, and Irotrapen, London. The A. B. P. is a nonprofit organization whose members have pledged themselves to a working code of practice in which the interests of the men of American industry, trade and professions are placed first—a code demanding unbiased edi- torial pages, classified and verified paid subscribers, and honest advertising of dependable products. MARINE REVIEW—August, 1927 ae 5