Qa ————= ee Walker's trident Electric Ship-log This well made and dependable instrument electrically transmits your ‘distance run’ to the Chart House, or to any other position of the ship desired, thus obviating the delay and inconvenience Vaan caused by having to send aseaman aft to read the Log. Obtainable of all leading Nautical Instrument Dealers SS Thos. Walker] Son, i 58, Oxford Street, Birmingham, Eng. Gar Reading the Log i i. “ Walker’s ‘Trident’ Electric ; hag Chr F Fon i Ship Log — The Chart : es = ce House Receiver. ; Locks and Latches Star Brass Mfg. Co. 53 Oliver Street -::- Boston, Mass. for MANUFACTURERS OF Accurate ‘‘Non-corrosive’’ Pressure and Recording OoOors al atc es Gages, Revolution Counters, Marine Clocks. The selection of hardware and fittings is an impor- Dead Weight Gage Testers. tant factor in producing standard ships and boats Marine Safety and Relief Valves for all pressures. at reasonable prices. Specif Tiebout service includes supplying ship and boat Marine Whistles and Sirens. builders with standardized equipment at lowest prices consistent with Tiebout quality specifications. Extra Heavy ee ee Angle and Check ; Ww & J TIEB OUT Star Outside Spring Steam Engine Indicators. e e HIGH GRADE THROUGHOUT Marine Hardware SPECIFY AND ORDER THE BEST. 118 Chambers Street New York, DURABLE WIRE ROPE The Marline Served Rope For All Ships Purposes Especially adapted for CARGO WHIPS TOPPING LIFTS GUY TACKLES DURABLE WIRE ROPE COMPANY BOSTON, MASS. Chicago Cleveland Philadelphia New York Branches: CHICAGO PITTSBURGH NEW YORK The Strong, Quick Arm of a DAKE Steering Gear on the tiller chain of your tug or steamer means greater efficiency, safety and economy. The Dake engine has no dead center; itis always alert, and starts instantly in either direction. This insures easier, quicker and better handling of your boat and saves time, coal and accidents. The Dake fits into your pilot house and has a hand steering combination feature for emergency use. Dependable gears at extremely moderate prices. ae S Ask any skipper who is shipmates with one. Dake Engine Co., G rand Haven, Mich. Y UY ZY yYy For extreme service specify TYLER GENUINE CHARCOAL IRON— knobbled by hand in the old fashioned way—tested to 1000 Ibs. hydrostatic pressure, and meeting all requirements of U.S. Steamboat Rules and Reg- ulations, American Bureau of Shipping and A. S. M. E. Code Committee. TYLER TUBE & PIPE CO., Washington, Pa. WAREHOUSE STOCKS A. M. Castle & Co., Chicago, IIl.; A.M. Castle & Co.. Seattl Wash.; A.M Francisco, Calif.; A. M. Castle & Co., Los Angeles, Calif; okies eae cei Pied. pon Lukens Steel Co., New Orleans, La.; | Johnson-Peter Co., Brooklyn, N. Y.; Harrisburg Pipe & Pipe Bending Co. of Texas, Inc., Houston, Texas; Bourne-Fuller Co., Cleveland, Ohio. . . 5 Sree eae Paap le W. M. MacCleary-2 Rector St., New York City; W.H.S. Bateman and Co., New England Representative: Geo. W. Denyven—Boston, Mass. 68 MARINE REVIEW—August, 1927