Standard Diesel Oil Engines DELIVERY II powered with a four- cylinder direct reversing 100 H.P. Standard full Diesel oil engine owned by the Standard Oil Company of N. Y. The Standard Oil Company has placed a repeat order for a Standard Full Diesel engine to be installed in a new delivery boat they are building. Good judgment demands your taking advantage of the profits to be had by installing a Standard full Diesel. The fuel and lubricating oil saved, the loss of time coaling or watering, together with always available maximum power in response to the throttle. Direct revers- ing, no gears, labor saved in attendance and low cost of up-keep, together with many other features exclusively had in the Standard Engine pay dividends that liquidate the first cost in one to three years. Write for catalogue and consult one of our engineers— it costs nothing. Back of Standard Gasoline & Oil Engines Is the Standard Motor Construction Co. 184 Whiton Street Jersey City, N. J., U.S.A. When a Squall upon asudden Came o’erthe water scudding And the clouds began to gather And the sea was lashed to lather And the lowering thunder grumbled And the lightning jumped and tumbled And the ship and all the ocean Woke up in wild commotion. AN’S age old struggle against the might at wind and wave has proved that good oakum in the seams of a vessel is not only a necessi- ty but is really an investment that pays big dividends. Staunch and tight must be the vessel that stands the buffeting of wind and wave. Be sure your oakum 1s STRATFORD OAIKUM For nearly a century it has been known — as the best. It is the oakum of true economy. GEORGE STRATFORD OAKUM COMPANY Jersey City, New Jersey Also manufacturers of Cotton Wiping Waste. MaRINE Review—August, 1927 71 a a i es