MOTHER: “Why ain't we just like white folks now?” CHIEF: “Have been ever since we got the SHIPMATE out of the wreck.” VES : Fi ° Pp D ‘ts jes nage” IN a \\ Winns My) ae SHIPMATES PWS ae Oe are made only by THE STAMFORD FOUNDRY COMPANY Established 1830 STAMFORD, CONN. On the _ Texas Company’s Fleet— ESSELS of the Texas Company’s large fleet of tankers are equipped with Inde- pendent Continuous Wave Apparatus and furnished with Independent Radio Service. The ability of Independent Continuous Wave Transmitters to maintain long-range communication, coupled with the fact that the high quality of Independent Service never varies is responsible for the selection of Independent by owners of over 500 Ameri- can ships. Tanker Illinois, One of the Texas Company's Fleet For Dependability _, Consistent Long-Range e and e e in-an Emergency—_ Communication INDEPENDENT CONTINUOUS WAVE TRANSMITTERS Independent Wireless Telegraph Co. Pon oe. OR P.O. Rat General Offices: 67 Wall Street, New York BRANCHES THROUGHOUT THE WORLD MARINE REVIEw—August, 1927 73