Defies the elements! The water resisting qualities of Whitlock WATER- FLEX cordage are of utmost importance especially in marine service where dampness, rain and continued im- mersion in water cause ordinary rope to swell, harden and kink, making it ex- tremely hard to manage. The use of WATERFLEX avoids these difficulties. WATERFLEX remains flexible under all conditions and is easy to handle and splice, wet or dry. It may be left out on deck in all kinds of weather with the assurance of protection against deterioration or wet rot, which shortens the serviceable life of ordinary rope. WATERFLEX FIBORE (our patented fibre-core rope) is unquestionably the strongest and most efficient type of large cordage ever developed. No additional charge is made for the patented WATERFLEX feature. WA ITLOCK CORDAGE COMPANY wie 46 South Street oe ‘actory an arenous ica ston, Kansas Jersey City, N. J. New Yor k . grees a Eo Progress in Oil-Tank Ship Construction THE “BRACKETLESS—SYSTEM” (PATENTED) Eliminates Bulkhead Brackets. Eliminates Bulkhead Leakage. Greatly simplifies construction. Greatly reduces cost of upkeep and cost of damage repairs. Greatly reduces cost of cleaning tanks. Substantially increases the longitudinal strength beyond the well-tried ‘‘Isherwood System.” SSSSywii-L Vag SSS =| sr fy is —— oe [a) yu 4 it | | UL) LL Me 8 ny e/a SS z aon era For Particulars Apply Sir 'Joseph W. Isherwood, Bt. 27 Bate Pisce: New York and MARINE REVIEW—August, 1927 77