SUMO wie | E ie nnn nn Os, A Almy Water Tube Boiler Co. .... 66 American Bridge Co. ...........s 58 American Engineering Co. ............ 51 American Shipbuilding Co............. 6, 7 American Steel Foundries ............ 66 American Strombos Co. Inc........ 69 American Welding Co. ..............005 69 B Babcock & Wilcox Co. ee 15 Bethlehem Steel Con... 57 Boland & Cornelius ..............c008 78 c Carpenter, Geo. B., & Co............. 66 Columbian Bronze Corporation.... 78 Columbian. Rope Co. .............0:.06.008 3 Cramp Brass & Iron Foundries PG SS Rs SR Ronee ...Back Cover Crandall Engineering Co................. 67 Cummings Machine Worke.............. 62 D Walke. EMSine CO, 5......5.000.s0c.ssscesestecsens 68 Davis Engineering Corporation...... 67 Dean Brothers Co. « .ccc...ccsccesecseseess 64 Detroit Shipbuilding Co. ................ 6:7 Durable Wire Rope Co............... 68 E Ellis Channel System of Steel Tiall. Construction © ...0.:.:..:s6e0<0000005 60 F Farley, Edward P., & Co. Ince........ 78 Federal Telegraph Co... ..:....0..5... 65 OR CAO G oo ooo os scnnssscsenssccencceyss 58 G General Electric Company............ 8, 9 80 Great Lakes Engineering Works 10 Griscom-Russell Co., The................ 62 H Hazel-Atias Glass C0.) c0i05cc56.,: 66 Hyde Windlass Co............. Back Cover I Independent Wireless Telegraph COMORNy = he qs Isherwood, Joseph W.. .............0000 T7 J Jerguson Gage & Valve Co......... 65 K HWestmg. 000. Ces 3. 78 Kelvin & Wilfrid O. White Co..... 78 L Linde Air Products Company.... Rie Gee ied iano Inside Front Cover M Manitowoc Shipbuilding Corp........ 64 Metal & Thermit Corporation........ 60 Moran Towing & Transportation OS IES 8 Rot nee ra eie ae een ieee 47 Morse, Andrew J., & Son Ine........ 78 Morse Dry Dock & Repair Co.... 62 Mulholland Hatch-Fastener Co..... 78 N National Forge & Ordnance Co.... 58 New London Ship & Engine Co.... 63 O Oldman-Magee Boiler Works, Inc. 78 Oliver Iron & Steel Corporation.... 65 Osborn & Lange, Ine...................006 78 MARINE REVIEw—August, 1927 ss Port Huron Coal & Dock Co......... siete assersessessrserveeeeeeeAltSide Back Cover Port 6f Newark... 60 35u.. Front Cover Prindiville, John, & Sons............ 78 R Radio Corporation of America........ 67 Ritchie, 6. Si, & SOs ss eevee es 67 Ss Sheriffs Manufacturing Co............... 69 Stamford Foundry Co. .................... 73 Standard Motor Construction Co.. 71 Standard Oil Co. (New Jersey)..... 75 Star Brass Mie. Co. 2.83600050.5.. 68 Stratford, George, Oakum Co........ 71 Sturtevant, (GIS SRN SoReal 60 Sun Shipbuilding & Dry Dock Co. 59 - Devas CO. INE: Be cy 49 Thorsen, P. S.°& Co. Inc...)..:..066. 69 Tiebout,: W. & Jv 2: ppg een ee 68 Toledo Shipbuilding Co. Ince........ 61 PROG, Hs, Gs C6. oe ance 78 YPyler Tube & Pine Ge. caine. 68 U United American Lines, Ine.......... 78 United States Shipping Board Merchant Fleet Corp. ................ 82 ¥ Vecuom. Or Coo 2 4 WwW Walker, Thos., & Son, Ltd.............. 68 Westinghouse Electric & Mfg. Co. 55 White, Kelvin & Wilfrid O., Co.... 78 Whitlock ‘Cordage Co. \....c.0.5 pa Whiten Engine Co....,.05 3 3 81