the streamline rudder may be realized in either one of two ways. If a ship owner is satisfied with the pres- ent speed of a vessel, he can maintain this speed and realize a reduction in horsepower ranging from 8 to 16 per cent and under certain conditions more and still maintain the same _ speed as’ with the plate rudder, Vibration in the stern of vessels, it seems, is almost completely eliminated by the use of this type of rudder. The rudder can be applied to single screw as well as to multiple screws vessels, as demonstrated recently when the North German Lloyd decided to have its new liner BREMEN, which is to be propelled by four screws, equipped with a_ streamline Newest Self Unloader Delivers First Cargo [ #E biggest boat that ever sailed the great Lakes bearing the largest cargo ever carried on the lakes completed her maiden trip July 30, when the steamer, CARL D. BRADLEY, nosed her way into the new Buffington harbor, Indiana, which re- cently was dedicated by Vice President Charles G. Dawes. Immediately upon her arrival the new boat be- gan with her own automatic electrical machinery to dis- 48 rudder. The conversion of ordinary plate rudder into this new type can readily be made at comparatively low cost on any existing single screw ship and on a number of existing multiple screw ships as it does not involve any radical changes in the structure of the stern frame or rud- der stock and arms. It is usually more economical to take advantage of the ship’s docking for other repairs,: to install the rudder, which can be: made ready to fit before the ship’ docks. It usually requires from 3 to 5 days, frequently not over 4 days, to complete the installation. On new building, application of the streamline rudder may cost less than the standard rudder, if steering power, charge her own 15,000-ton load of limestone at the rate of a ton a second. Six hundred and thirty- eight feet long, 65 feet wide, 33 feet deep and costing over -a million dollars, the new steel freighter was built spe- cially to carry limestone from the world’s largest quarries at Calcite, Mich., to Buffington harbor at the Chicago plant of the Univer- sal Portland Cement Co. Carl D. Bradley, president . : >a = . , 7 ce i ee —— oe which is from 30 to 50 per cent less, is taken into account. Leading steamship operators abroad, such as the Hamburg America line, North German Lloyd, Woerman and German East Africa line of Hamburg, Nederland Steamship Co. of Amster- dam, Rotterdam Lloyd Steamship Co. and Van Ommeren Shipping Co. of Rotterdam, now have from 6 to 13 vessels for each company equipped with the QOertz rudder while in this country the Standard Oil Co. of New Jersey has an installation on the S. S. H. M. Fuacuer. All details in connec- tion with the application of the Oertz rudder in the United States are handled by the Oertz Streamline Rudder corp., 75 West street, New York City. of the Michigan Limestone and Chemical Co. and of the Bradley Transportation Co., for whom the new boat is named, is credited with de- veloping the modern self- unloading type of freighter of which this is the latest example. At the dock when the vessel arrived was a group of officials from Chi- cago headed by B. F. Affleck, president of the cement com- pany which built and owns the harbor. MARINE REVIEW—September, 1927.