Bethlehem Equipmen or Marine Service Bethlehem Marine Auxiliary Equipment Includes: HE above illustration shows two Bethle- Bethlehem (Dahl) Mechan- Steam Electric, Hydro- hem Evaporators installed in the engine spot OF Summing System Electric and Hand Steer- room of the S. S. Steelore—a 21,200 ton com- ie si eae: ine Greens bination ore and oil vessel. soe ENCE & SERPS Steering Gear Transmission 1 e es Bilge - a Capstans Bethlehem is prepared to furnish any exten- Meteuction or Condensate pel es sive line of Marine Auxiliary equipment for: Pumps Windlasses : : Air Pumps Winches —a complete motorship conversion Feed Water Heaters Hawser Reels : ae motorship con- Evaporators and Distillers Chain Stoppers any patt of a complete 0 p Ejectors Oil Engines version - sae shea Saige —any of the numerous auxiliary require- Hydrokineters Steam Boilers ; pee Augmenters Steam Engines ments aboard ship BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY, General Offices: BETHLEHEM, PA. DISTRICT OFFICES: : : : H i Buffalo N ladelph Baltimore Washington Atlanta Pittsburgh a Dolerdisad eee Cae i Chicago St. Louis San Francisco Los Argeles Seattle Portland Bethlehem Steel Export Corpcration, 25 Broadway, New York City, Sole Exporter of Our Commercial Products BETHLEHEM MARINE REVIEW—September, 1927 ve