MORISON SUSPENSION FURNACES OR LAND AND MARINE BOILERS Made to United States, American Bureau of Shipping, ; Lloyd’s, Bureau Veritas; or any other requirements Uniform Thickness—Easily Cleaned—Unexcelled for Strength Formerly Manufactured by The Continental Iron Works (Established 1859) Bele Pas A valuable folder, giving working pressures for vari- ous sizes of furnaces, will be mailed on request. The American Welding Company 30 Church St., New York, N. Y. Works: Carbondale, Pennsylvania Telephone, Cortlandt 8110 ALSO MANUFACTURERS OF ONE-TON CONTAINERS, PULP DIGESTERS, PRESSURE STILLS, STORAGE TANKS, CHEMICAL EQUIPMENT, SPECIAL CAR TANKS AND OTHER FORGE WELDED PRESSURE VESSELS oe NATIONAL at Home and Abroad D ie S rs | Engi re Forty hulls built and under ca construction for varied types ry of service at home and bof re) In & abroad testify to the pop- a ularity of the Ellis Channel | System. Ellis Hulls are strong and seaworthy. Their splendidrecord for lowmain- el We manufacture High Grade tenance and construction costs will interest all pro- | ; Carbon and Alloy Steel Forg- gressive owners. Write for further information. f * oe | mes, Spine smooth forged, ELLIS CHANNEL SYSTEM O45 rough turn OF STEEL HULL CONSTRUCTION f; as A ed, heat treated and a a ried oe > finished complete; specializing es oc, Ex. in Diesel Engine Forgings, New York won “(EAE Hollow Bored Forgings, , rough or finished bored, and Ordnance Work. National Forge & Ordnance Co. IRVINE, WARREN CO., PENNA. Bell Phone: 55 Youngsville, Pa. Branch Offices Chicago Cleveland New York Detroit 56 MARINE REVIEW—September, 1927