A Positive Uni- Directional Another Vital Feature of the New Kolster Radio Compass Unfailing in action, this Uni-Directional Indicator eliminates guess work or chance. It operates by a simple pull on a toggle switch and rotation of the loop. The direction of loudest maximum signal is observed instantly — and the result is positive. Photo shows the lower half of the new Kolster Compass, picturing position of Uni-Directional Indicator, Receiver case with sloping panel, illuminated dial, improved volume control, also the Head-phone and battery compartments. The receiver itself is a super-selective 8 tube Kolster creation, specially devised for compass work. Tuned by single dial— easy to operate. SEND FOR FREE FOLDER which pictures all the fifteen new Kolster compass improvements. Interesting! No obligation either. FEDERAL TELEGRAPH COMPANY 25 Beaver Street, New York Hobart Building, San Francisco Rolled Steel “Neverslip” | une P pocsed Liquid Compass the E | oor P l a t es : | Used Exclusively in U. S. Navy for THE RITCHIE LIQUID COMPASS over 40 years. Over 65,000 on Merchant Vessels in all parts of the world. Made in all sizes 2 to 12" dia. Magnets for adjusting Purposes. Standard : fi — é E. S. RITCHIE & SONS Brookline, Mass., U.S. A. Agents for the Great Lakes, The Upson-Walton Company, Cleveland, Ohio Raised Diamond. Diamond and Ribbed Pattern _ Operating for years without interrup- tion on many of the largest ships afloat, Paracoil equipment is accepted as standard throughout the marine world. & Paracoil equipment includes the fol- lowing: Feed Water Heaters, Oil Heaters, Oil Coolers, Feed Water Filters and Grease Extractors, Evaporators, Distil- : lers, Steam Traps, Exhaust Gas, Steam or re § Se ge ge 8) e Hot Water Generators—for Diesel Plants, : ? and Rand System for Heating Bunker Oil. Philadelphia, Pa. Write for our interesting catalog. DAVIS ENGINEERING CORP. 90 West St. - ; Factory: Elizabeth, N. rey ork City The original diamond pattern floor plate. 64 MARINE REVIEW—September, 1927