“Makers of Business Prosperity” i) \ TTT USINESS journalism has established a great clearing CHARLES M. SCHWAB house of information,” says Mr. Schwab, probably as widely recognized for his human understanding of selling as for his capacity as a great manufacturer. “You cannot have prosperity,” says Mr. Schwab, “with- out confidence, and you cannot have confidence without a free and honest exchange of information.” * * * a * That is the platform this publication stands on. Business publications which succeed are more than a collection of editorial and advertising pages. * * * * * Every publication has its specialized field of service and plays its part intimately in the interchange of information and opinion, which is the basis of pose to which the : captain of steel refers. ; * * * & oe Both editorial and advertising pages are made to fulfill | this great responsibility. The men and methods the editors select for their pages and the advertising which the clients of this paper buy to inform its readers of their products, are } brought together between the covers of a business journal for intimate help and service. Se ans When you have read both editorial and advertising whose members have sections and you have a complete knowledge of the service Pettis code of the publisher of this journal has prepared for you; then you, ne a like Mr. Schwab, will see it—a Maker of Prosperity. American industry, trade and professions fi are placed first--acode Q demanding unbiased editorial pages, classi- fied and verified paid subscribers, and honest advertising of dependable products, MarRINE REVIEw—September, 1927 67