For Sale and Miscellaneous—Help and Positions Wanted For Sale and Miscellaneous Advertisements 10c per word—minimum advertisement—$3.00 Six words must be added for box address. To insure insertion, advertisements must reach us by the 10th of the month. For Sale FOR SALE IMMEDIATE AS IS—SS. SOUTH SHORE, sunk at Port Newark, salvaged by us, now in our Yard Bayonne, N. J. for inspec- tion. Machinery all in A-1 shape; Hull good; Super-structure somewhat torn but ready for fixing up for passenger traffic or ferry. Length —200 ft. Beam—32’6’’; Depth 12 ft.; Designed draft 5’9’’; Engine 2 cylinder incline con- densing 38” dia. 2 stroke 96’’ 12 H. P. 2 leg boilers; capacity about 1200 persons. Confer with 50 Broad St., New York City, New Jersey Shipbuilding & Dredging Company. apdrncittiecautnntanacntacttraaattcaaan ttn IUUAUVONGOUUNONEVAS ACUMEN ASUS Help Wanted Advertisements _ 6c per word—minimum advertisement—$3.00 Position Wanted Advertisements 4c per word—minimum. advertisement—$1.00 Please have remittance accompany order, For Sale FOR SALE TUG AND DERRICK SCOW suitable for sand and gravel, 750 ton capacity, fully equipped. Has 10 x 12 hoisting engine, electric lights, anchor hoist towing machine on scow, quarters for 20 men. -Lake Towing Tug, has electric lights, anchor hoist, quarters for 10 men. Both in first class condition. Will guaran- tee inspection. Address Box 385, MARINE REVIEW, Cleveland. FOR SALE Steam Tug C. D. Thompson, Length 81’ Beam 19’ Depth 11’ Engine 22 x 26 Boiler allowed —its value to you depends upon your use of this section. If you want to buy or sell ships or marine equipment—need a man for your organization—make it known to the entire Marine Industry through the use of classified advertising in this publication. Mail copy for your advertisement in the October issue today, forms close September 22. MM TU A aA MARINE REVIEW—September, 1927 For Sale FOR SALE: MARINE ENGINES AND boilers of all sizes, light draft wooden and steel tug boats for sale or charter, derrick boats, deck scows and lighters for sale or charter. Cowles’ Towing Co., Ohio St., Buffalo, No Wanted WANTED 125 lbs. steam. Entirely rebuilt 1925 and in| One 5 drum hoist with ie pict aeshderre DIESEL ENGINE FOR SALE. 4 CYL- | first class condition. aa oe about 12’’ drums for equipping 10’’ suction i; ' : Also all equipment including engine, boilers | gredge. | Would id ition using inder, . bore x 12” stroke. Priced very low and pumps from wrecked steamer “City of : ths ge ~ vs er po bahs zt se ie for quick sale. G. W. Ford, 41 East 42nd | Bangor.” Write or wire T. L. Durocher Com- Fee SNe ee Peer On eee Street, New York. pany, DeTour, Michigan. MARINE REVIEW, Cleveland. SOM MM MOTT MT LT ALU OU A UL LL LeU CELLU LCC Ca MU = ‘ae : E = Z = TO OUR SUBSCRIBERS . The classified section of MARINE REVIEW is for your convenience S i. J ©