Great Lakes Art Database

Marine Review (Cleveland, OH), October 1927, p. 43

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The vessel was built about a year ago and has been carrying ore, this having been its first trip to Calcite for stone. It is the largest capacity ves- sel that has gone into Calcite and is one of the largest of the lake freight boats. The vessel is captained by Joseph Matthews. * * * HIPMENTS of finished steel prod- ucts on the Great. Lakes from eastern mills to Chicago have become more regular in the past several weeks. These cargoes have been coming from Buffalo. Chicago steel producers in turn have been shipping finished steel to Montreal for Canadian consump- tion, but the latter movement is not heavy. Several eargoes of pig iron from Cleveland and Buffalo also have been received by a Chicago brokerage concern, for sale in the Chicago-Mil- waukee district. Reports are that other cargoes will be shipped for di- rect delivery by a Buffalo steelworks furnace unit. * * * ERTAIN harbor enlargements will become necessary with the deepen- ing of lake channels. The figures show that a saving of $1,250,000 will be effected in providing channels 25 feet in depth through and between the lakes by including compensating works rather than accomplishing the deep- ening work by dredging only. The government engineers contemplate the raising of the present levels of Lakes Michigan and Huron by one foot if the construction of compensating works is decided upon. It is declared that it would be necessary to com- pensate for the loss of six inches, which the engineers say is caused by the Chicago diversion, and the loss of about six inches in’ channel enlarge- ments in the St. Clair river by Cana- dian and other gravel dredging. Ocean Freight | Rates Per 100 Pounds Unless Otherwise Stated Quotations Corrected to Sept. 20, 1927 on Future Loadings NOTE: FREIGHT RATES STEADY WITH SOME INCREASE New York Cotton General cargo {tFinished REMARKS _ From North Pacific Lumber to Grain Provisions (He-D,) Flour cu. ft. 100 lbs. steel Freight Offered Ports to Per m. t. Liverpool...... 2s 6dt £0.60 $0.40 0:23 $0.50 . $0.90 $8 .OOT *** Fair San Francisco.........,. $4.25 to 4.50 Londons 666% 2s 6dt 0.60 0.40 0.23 0.50 0.90 8.00T *** Fair South California........ 4.50 Oslo se tocae $0.20 0.45 0.50 0.30 0.42% 0.85 8.00T Fair Hawaiian Islands....... 9.00 to 10.00 Copenhagen... 0.20 0.45 0.50 0.30 0.50 1.00 8.00T Fair New. Zealand........... 16.00 to 19.00 Hamburg.... 0.15 0.55 0.40 0.25 0.50 0.90 10.00T Good Sydney 325 ee ae 13.00 to 13.50 Bremen....... 0.17 0.35 0:56)t0:65:. 0525 0.50 0.90 10.00T Fair Melbourne-Adelaide..... 13.50 to 14.00 @riental Ports. ......... oe ae 0.32% 0.40 0.23 0.45 0.80 9.50T Fair. “Grisyeal Ports (a Ince a Antwerp eeeees 0.14 0.32% 0.40 0.20 0.45 0.80 9.50T Fair Pern-Chiles: ce as 13.00 to 15.00 Havre... 0.14 0.55 0.50 0.30 0.45 0.80 9.00T Very quieé South Africa............ 20.00 to 22.00 Bordeaux.... 0.14 0.55 0.50 0.30 0.45 0.80 9.00T Very quiet: Gobas 6 ee 16.00 to 17.00 Barcelona..... 0.50 0.30 10.00 bags —12.00T— 10.00T Quiet United Kingdom........ 80s to 95s Lisboncs.essas C 0.75 0.50 8.00T bags —23.00T— 8.00T Poor United Kingdom (ties)... : Marseilles..... aa 0.65 0.40 7.00 bags —23.00T— 8.00T Poor Baltimore-Boston range. .$13. 50 ec or 50 Genoa. 255: 0.18 14.25 0.50 9.00 —23.00T— 11.50T Fair Florida Range.......... No rates. Naples,...4-:;. 0.18 14, 25 0.50 9.00 —23 .00T— 11.50T Fair Buenos Aires........... 15.00 to 17.00 Constantinople. 0.27 20.00T 0.85 0.40144 —24.00T— 11.50T Quiet North ‘of Histietiei. <6 Alexandria... 20.00T 0.85 0.40% —24,00T— 11.50T Qpiet: °-~ Ching vest cae cadet 10.00 to 10.50 Algiers........ 0.85 0.60 0.45 melo To 11.50T Poor | > Sapanietceia ay te .. 9.00 to 10.00 Daket..4. 06: 17.00 15.50T —23.00T— 11. 50T Good Japan (logs) ...:e.e0s. 2. 13.00 to 14.00 Capetown..... 18.00 13.00 20.00 13.00 to 18.00 Good Buenos Aires... 22 00T 20.00 to 22.00T+ 8.00 Dee pai Flour and Wheat *#*R} i 22.00T Betts 20.00 to 22.00T¢ 7.00 to 7.70TT ood K. and _ Continent isi dear eee 22.00T .9.00T —22.00T—t 9.70TT Good ‘(gross ton).......... 33s 9d to re Od tTaGane 3 0.35* 0.50 as 0.35* 0.61 1.33 10.00 Fair Oriental Ports (net tons).. $4.25 to 4.75 Vera Cruz..... 0.25 0.30 =0235 0.25 0.52% = 1.05 0.30 to 0.35 Fair Valparaiso..... pists 1.07 Reale 0.70 ee hes 10.00T Fair San Francisco. . 0.35 to 0.70 eee 0.40 to 1.10 Sa ie 0.25 to 0-30 Fair Sydney........ 18.00T 1525 18.00T 18.00-24.00T 9.00to12.—T Very good NOTE: Lighterage cates on dual in Mie Calcutta...... hace 10.00T —16.00T— 10.00T Fair York reduced from to SMe T—Ton. {Per quarter of 480 lbs. ticcder HHlbary products limited in length. *Extra charge for wharfage. de Janeiro on account of congestion. **Plus $0.50 surcharge on all rates to Rio Principal Rates To and From United Kingdom 8 d Grain, River Plate to United Kingdom... 24 6 Pig iron, United Kingdom to New York or Coal, South Wales to Near East....... 10 0 Philadelphiasicncit ues ce ci So onan bs Coal, United Kingdom to Buenos Aires.. 13. 0 Iron ore, Bilbao to Cardiff............4.. Manganese Ore, Poti to Philadelphia... $3.75 Iron ore, Huelva to Phila. or Balto...... 11 Bunker Prices ***Plus 15 per cent. per barrel. The coal strike in Britain is now settled and ‘freight rates or bunker prices for coal or pig iron are again quoted. General cargo rates to Havana change daily and are omitted for the time being. Rates to Calcutta are subject to change aang notice. Cotton goes cage Bombay. Landing charge of $2.00 per freight ton at Valparaiso, Non At New York At Philadelphia Other Ports : ‘eael eneine Coal Fuel oil Diesel Eng. oil Boston, coal, per ton.... $7.94 slants ae bee rai ‘aiennsine trim. in bunk alongside alongside Boston, oil, f. a. 8., per per ton per barrel per gallon per ton per barrel per gallon barre re $1.80 Nov. 19, 1926. 7. year 50 1.804 @1.81 5.43@5.88c Hampton Roads, coal, per Nov. 19, 1926 i. Hb He ig Pao Dee 20.03, 5.50@5.75 1.80@1.9014 5.64@6.19 ton, f.0.b., piers. $4.35 to 4.50 pen eae a aS 1.81% 5.87 pe Hae teres 690" 1.95@1.95% 5.88@6.19 ae 9 — Cardiff, coal, per Tan. 19-0. sees hae pe ae ae ae 5.24@5.50 1.90@1.91. 5.64@6.13 ROG Anos passes es 14s Od Shee idee ae per 181i 5.95 Mar 180.054 5.24@5.50 1.95@1.9 5.38@5.88 anda coal, per ton... —s —d woe 19 5@5 50 1275 5k Apr. 192.655 6s 5.15@5.65 1.81@1. 5.38@5.64 Antwerp, coal, per ton..2ls 6d ae ee aft 181% 5°63 May 19...... 5.15@5.65 1.754% @1.76 5.14@5.38 Antwerp, Fuel oil, ‘aes ton 80s0d ay v4 ee 17154 5°39 ne 18 v5 00 @5:25" ¢o 2 b.70 5.12@5.14 Antwerp, Diesel oi eee July 19, a 5.65 1.65 5.24 July ee 5:00@5.25 1.65@1.70 5.10@5.12 WON is es ares a s Od YS 19 ees Sor 1714 5°45 Aug aie yd) 1.70@1.71 5.12@5.14 British ports, Fuel oil.. “os Od aon. 40, i937 : 1°65 i 5.04 Sept 20, 1927. 525 1.62@1.65 5.12@5.13 British ports, Diesel oil ..95s Od MARINE REVIEW—October, 1927 43

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